
sunshine systems led grow lights in LED Tubes

LED fluorescent tubes are the latest product of the led family, but also fluorescent alternatives, constitute mainly of white LED chip module (sunshine systems led grow lights) . The advantages of long life, no flicker, no radiation, energy saving, environmental protection, the advantages of combination of all the fluorescent one.
On the other hand, LED fluorescent tubes  (sunshine systems led grow lights)  installation are very simple, the installation will remove the original fluorescent starterand put LED fluorescent tubes. LED fluorescent energy-saving up to 50% more than the life expectancy of more than 10 times the ordinary lamp, almost maintenance-free. The scope of application: offices, factories, shopping malls, schools, home and other indoor lighting.
sunshine systems led grow lights in LED Tubes
LED fluorescent tube has the advantage of finishing summarized as follows:
1. Green lighting, environmental stresses
Traditional fluorescent lamps contain mercury vapor, if broken mercury vapor will evaporate into the atmosphere. LED fluorescent do not use mercury, and LED products not containing lead, has protective effects on the environment. LED lighting is recognized as the green lighting of the twenty-first century.
2. Efficient conversion
Traditional lamps will produce large amounts of heat, LED lighting is energy all is converted to light, will not cause waste of energy. And file, the clothing will not fade phenomenon.
3. Quiet and comfortable, no noise
LED lighting does not produce noise, the occasion for the use of sophisticated electronic equipment for a good choice. Suitable for the library, the office and the like occasions.
4. Soft light, no flash
Traditional fluorescent lamp use is alternating current, so per second will produce 100-120 times the strobe. LED lamps, AC power directly converted to DC, and will not produce flicker, eye protection.
5 UV, less mosquito
LED lamps do not produce ultraviolet light, it will not be as traditional lamps, there are a lot of mosquitoes around the light source side. The room will become more clean and tidy.
6. Adjustable voltage and a wide range of
Traditional fluorescent lamp is lit by high-voltage rectifier release, can not be lit when the voltage drops. LED lamps  (sunshine systems led grow lights) can be lit within a certain range (80V-245V) voltage, but also adjust the brightness.
7. Longevity, energy-saving and low cost
LED fluorescent lamp power consumption is 10 times below one-third of the traditional fluorescent lamp life is also a traditional fluorescent lamp, the long-term use without the need to replace, reduce labor costs. More suited to the occasion difficult to replace.
8. Sturdy solid, very safe
LED lamp used in epoxy resin rather than glass, more robust solid, and even hit the floor LED will not easily damaged, you can safely use.

