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benefit from the international lighting OEM orders, LED products accounted for about 30 percent in 2011 the proportion of revenues. Estimates, lighting OEM business continued to grow in 2012 compared to 2011 is expected to grow by about 50% of lighting products accounted for 2012 the proportion of revenues will be about 30%-40%. where can i buy led?
From the LED street light source module, power module, the radiator tools, assembly to finished lamps are able to provide customers a variety of complete solutions in the grasp of international companies order, has some advantages.
The LED lighting market is large enough, the largest share of the European market, LED lighting in the commercial space market with the standard case. The proportion of European families with LED lighting is still low. But now, see the LED market demand in Europe is very positive, there are signs of a gradual upward. As for the other emerging markets, although at this stage of commercial lighting needs are not many,where can i buy led but in the issue of power shortage, more and more owners will also consider more energy-efficient LED lighting fixtures.
where can i buy led in 2012
However, when you see the market more and more vendors enter the field of LED lighting which some manufacturers to bring low-quality LED products and prices to undercut the impact on the market. Therefore, the 2012 year of introduction of LED lighting products are more diverse and rich compared to previous products such as LED bulb lamp, 2012 we will let customers have more choices. For example, which the German lighting Booth, LED plate lights asked the high is also the Europe Department of lighting brands in use, visual effects are not lost to the OLED panel lights. In addition, LED lighting with intelligent control system, but also the inevitable trend, the company has been related solutions.
As more and more manufacturers into the LED lighting industry, lighting applications, the segmentation of low prices of under the influence, able to profit vendors talk a few.where can i buy led? Many manufacturers hold to reduce costs there will be order mentality, also fall into the vicious circle of price competition. After the LED industry oversupply shock education, more and more manufacturers of logic which began to change.

