
2012, the end of the world? No! The rise of good quality LED Street Light!

good quality LED Street Light
According to all the ridiculous hype surrounding Dec. 21, 2012, the Mayans “predicted” the end of the world with one of their calendars. On this date, doomsayers assert that Earth will be ravaged by a smorgasbord of cataclysmic astronomical events — everything from a Planet X flyby to a “killer” solar flare to a geomagnetic reversal, ensuring we have a very, very bad day –Doomsday. Is it really ture?
I really respect the ancient civilization like Mayans, but I kind it’s really not ture. Remember the Y2K scare? It came and went without much of a whimper because of adequate planning and analysis of the situation.
In the movie <2012>, a lot of the disaster happen, almost all the people on the earth are killed, only several thousand of people are survived by “noa’s arks”, which are manufactured by Chinese. Why the “noa’s arks” are manufactured by Chinese? Why they are manufactured in Tibet? In the movie, people said, “Only Chinese could finish such a huge projct in such a short time!” It really means that, China is now, the best production base in the world.
So, what is 2012? It would be the rise of good quality LED Street Light! People are not survived by “noa’s arks”, but by the good quality LED Street Light! Why? As the “noa’s arks” are only for the movies, for the realy world, if we really want to survive from the end of the world, we have to save energy, protect the earth. So, use the good quality LED Street Light is one of the best solutions of that. And also, the best production base of good quality LED Street Light is in China, Eneltec Group.

