
Travel, dangerous! LED Explosion Proof Lights in China, safe!

Travel is the movement of people or objects (such as airplanes, boats, trains and other conveyances) between relatively distant geographical locations. Reasons for traveling include recreation, tourism or vacationing, research travel for the
gathering of information, for holiday to visit people, volunteer travel for charity, migration to begin life somewhere else, religious pilgrimages and mission trips, business travel, trade, commuting, and other reasons, such as to obtain health care or fleeing war or for the enjoyment of traveling.
As far as I know, every girl love travelling, but what is tralelling mean? It means a lot money and time. If we only travel in nearby countryside, we would feel not so interesting. So we always like to travel far from the city we live. It means much more cost and dangerous. Please see the data listed below.
Deaths per billion journeys
Deaths per billion hours
Deaths per billion kilometres
Bus: 4.3
Bus: 11.1
Air: 0.05
Rail: 20
Rail: 30
Bus: 0.4
Van: 20
Air: 30.8
Rail: 0.6
Car: 40
Water: 50
Van: 1.2
Foot: 40
Van: 60
Water: 2.6
Water: 90
Car: 130
Car: 3.1
Air: 117
Foot: 220
Bicycle: 44.6
Bicycle: 170
Bicycle: 550
Foot: 54.2
Motorcycle: 1640
Motorcycle: 4840
Motorcycle: 108.9

So, the travel is so dangerous, but the LED Explosion Proof Lights in China, it’s very safe! Normally, we use LED Explosion Proof Lights in China to replace the traditional lamps in Gas stations. So, about LED Explosion Proof Lights in China, the prices are not so important, the most important thing is quality! If you don’t choose the correct LED Explosion Proof Lights in China, it’s very dangerous for the gas stations. Want to be safe? Choose Eneltec LED Lighting Products.

