
The U.S. Department of Justice shuts Megaupload, LED High Bay Lights in China would shuts the traditional lights

The U.S. Department of Justice shuts down file hosting site Megaupload as part of an investigation into alleged copyright infringement. Megaupload Limited, better known for its closed websites including the top-15 file hosting service
megaupload.com, is an online Hong Kong-based company established in 2005 that ran a number of online services related to file storage and viewing. The domain names were seized and the sites shut down by the U.S. Justice Department on 19 January 2012, following their indictment and arrests of the owners for allegedly operating as an organization dedicated to copyright
infringement. The shutdown led to what activist group Anonymous calls “the single largest Internet attack in its history” in retaliation. The case has not yet been heard at trial.
Now, The U.S. Department of Justice shuts Megaupload, it means there are less and less free online servers. These days, U.S. Government meet a big problem of the finance. So, close more free websites means benefit from the taxes of chargeable website service.
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