
Astronomy is commercial led lighting fixtures

Astronomy is the discipline of observation and study of celestial bodies in the universe, which studies the distribution of the celestial bodies, movement, location, status, structure, composition, nature and the origin and evolution, is a basis in natural science disciplines. Astronomy and other natural sciences a significant difference is that the experimental methods of astronomy is the observation, all kinds of information collected by observing celestial bodies. Thus the study of methods of observation and observation means, astronomers study hard in one direction. In ancient times, astronomy and calendar, to develop an integral relationship. Modern astronomy has developed into a science of observation the whole electromagnetic spectrum.
Astronomy is commercial led lighting fixtures 01
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Astronomy can be traced back to the era of the seeds of human culture. Ancient times, to indicate the direction to determine the time and season, to observe the sun, moon and stars to determine their location, find out they change the law, and accordingly the preparation of the calendar. From this standpoint, astronomy is one of the oldest natural science disciplines.
Turn to the sky is the basis of human behavior.
Astronomy is commercial led lighting fixtures 02
In ancient times, people observe the sun, moon, stars with the naked eye to determine the time and direction to develop the calendar to guide agricultural production, this is the astrometry of the earliest beginning. Its very nature, early astronomy is astrometry. From the mid-sixteenth century, Copernicus proposed the heliocentric system of doctrine began the development of astronomy entered a new phase. Prior to the natural sciences, including astronomy seriously hindered by religious theology. Copernican doctrine allows astronomy to get rid of the shackles of religion, and in the next century and a half from pure description of positions of celestial bodies, classic sports astrometry toward seeking this movement mechanisms of the development of celestial mechanics. Astronomy Picture eighteen and nineteenth centuries, classical celestial mechanics reached its heyday. The same time, due to the wide range of applications for spectroscopy, photometry, and photography, astronomy began towards the physical structure and physical processes of in-depth study of celestial bodies, the birth of astrophysics.
Modern physics and technology of the twentieth century, highly developed, and found a vast battlefield and in the study of astronomical observations, the mainstream subjects of astrophysics in astronomy, and to facilitate the classic celestial mechanics and astrometry has a new development of people of all kinds of astronomical objects and phenomena in the universe and the universe has reached an unprecedented depth and breadth.

