
led emergency downlight is not Luxury

Luxury goods in the international community is defined as “a people’s survival and development needs of the range, with a unique, rare, exotic features such as consumer goods”, also known as non-necessities. Luxury goods in terms of economics, referring to the value / quality ratio products. From another point of view, luxury is an intangible value / tangible value of the ratio between the highest. Consumption of luxury goods is a high-end consumption behavior, the luxury of the word itself does not derogatory. China is one of the largest market for global luxury consumption. In 2010, Chinese consumers bought $ 10.7 billion luxury goods, accounting for one fourth of the global consumer goods market in the year.
As we all know,led emergency downlight is a special LED Lighting Products, even it is not led streetlight. No matter how expensive led emergency downlight is, it’s not a Luxury. Because led emergency downlight is really good quality.
In the English dictionary, the luxury is a Latin word, the original intent refers to the strong fecundity, the latter evolved into the waste, uncontrolled. Most European languages ??have absorbed this concept, or more precisely, the term used to describe beyond the necessary level of expenditure in the production and use of various commodities and certain aspects of lifestyle.
Luxury brands the Vorgan · Laci Le luxury to bring in the best-selling book “rich” so that the definition of luxury: “Luxury is a whole or in part by their own community that are luxurious lifestyle, mostly determined by the products or services.” Now, the concept of luxury goods in the international arena is “a people’s survival and development needs range of unique, rare, exotic features of consumer goods”, also known as non-necessities.
The concept of the Chinese people, the luxury is almost equivalent to greed, extravagance, waste. In fact, from the economic sense, luxury real terms is a high-end consumer behavior does not have to appraise the points. From a social sense, is a personal taste and improve quality of life.
Economics, luxury is defined as the growth of its demand is higher than the revenue growth items. It covers the range is very broad, from ginseng, designer watches, luxury cars, are likely to be a luxury.
However, people usually think that luxury is a very expensive item that most people can not afford the items. Some luxury is neither necessary nor practical use of expensive items such as designer bags, clothing and luxury car. Private jets and luxury yachts of course, belong to the scope of the luxury.

