
The Financial Crisis would increase led street light price

The Financial Crisis is a disaster for LED Lighting Products, but will it make led street light price go lower? No. led street light price is not a simple thing, also, The Financial Crisis is such a big thing maybe would increase the top level led streetlightprice.
The financial crisis can be divided into the type of currency crises, debt crises, the banking crisis. The financial crisis in recent years, many forms of mixed trend.
The characteristics of the financial crisis is based on the economic future will be even more pessimistic expectations, more substantial devaluation of the currencies in the region as a whole, the total economy and the economies of scale there was a substantial reduced, economic growth hit, often accompanied by large number of enterprises the phenomenon of failure, unemployment, general economic depression, sometimes accompanied by social unrest or turmoil of the national political level.
The current financial crisis is contributed by the U.S. housing market bubble. In some ways, this financial crisis and the end of World War II every other crisis outbreak in four years to 10 years are similar.
However, between the financial crisis, there are essentially different. The current crisis mark credit expansion era, this era is based on a dollar basis as the global reserve currency. Other cyclical crisis is larger boom – bust (prosperity and lead to overproduction, the backlog of goods, slow-moving) part of the process. The current financial crisis is the pinnacle of a super-boom cycle, this round of the cycle has been going on for 60 years.
Boom – bust cycle is usually around the recurring credit conditions, will always involve a bias or misconception. This is usually the failure to recognize the existence of a reflexive, circular relationship between the willingness to lend and the value of the collateral. If easy access to credit, to bring the demand and this demand has pushed up real estate values??; in turn, which in turn increased the amount of available credit. When people buy property and expect to profit from mortgage refinancing, foam resulting. In recent years, the U.S. housing boom is the evidence. For 60-year super-boom is a more complex example.

