
play led boat lighting in Online Game

Online game difference and stand-alone game, the players through the Internet connection for multiplayer games. Generally refers to the collection by the number of player characters and scenes in the virtual environment through computer networks to operate in accordance with certain rules in order to achieve the purpose of entertainment and interactive games.
Stand-alone game mode for man-machine battle. Because it can not be connected to the Internet, players and player interaction difference between a lot, but limited multiplayer via LAN connection.
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The birth of the online game mission: “Through the online game services in the Internet services to enhance the global quality of human life.”
The online game of the birth of human life richer, thereby contributing to the global progress of human society. And enrich the human spirit world and the physical world, so that the higher the quality of human life, human life happier.
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Forms of use of the network game can be divided into the following two kinds:
Browser forms
The browser-based game, that is, we usually talked about web games, also known as WEB GAME, it does not need to download the client, any place any time any one happy gaming computers with Internet access, especially for office workers. Type and subject matter is also very typical type of role-playing (heavenly Qi Tan), war strategy (blood in the three countries), community develop (Cat Travels), SNS (Happy Farm), leisure-sports (fishing Daren). .
The form of client
This type is hosted by the server to provide game players is provided by the company client to connect to the company server for the game, now called mostly belong to this type of online game. Characteristics of such games is that most players will have a special role of their own (virtual identity), and all the role of information and game information are recorded on the server side. Most of such games from the U.S., Europe and Asia, this type of game World of Warcraft (World of Warcraft) (U.S.) through the line of fire (South Korea), the EVE (Iceland), Battlefield (Battlefield) (Sweden), Final Fantasy 14 (Japan), Lineage 2 (Korea), Fantasy Westward Journey (China).
From the types of aspects of classification
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A casual game: that is, after landing the gaming platform of network service providers (web pages or program), double or multiplayer chess online game. a) traditional chess: playing cards, chess, providing the kind of game company Tencent, Lianzhong, Sina. b) new forms (non-chess): Three killed, the adaptation of online games under a variety of board games such as UNO brand, murder game, Monopoly (real estate tycoon).
2 online play games: the player by installing the LAN Battle feature game on the market support, intermediate server through the network to achieve the war, such as CS, Starcraft, Warcraft and other major network platform Shanda, Tencent Holdfast.
Role-playing class of large-scale online games: RPG, play a role through the implementation of the mandate, it enhance the level, wait until the treasures, such as the Odyssey, Legend, etc., to provide such a platform the main grand and so on.
Functional games: non-gaming companies initiated by functional online games: the glorious mission to fulfill a specific function by the form of online (Nanjing Military Region, developed for military training purposes), from simple stock market observatory (the Fund with development of investment institutions for the collection of the stock market trends and developments), corruption fighters (for anti-corruption Paul first education), learning from Lei Feng (grand-produced educational online games).

