
Recruitment of city street lighting

As we all know, Recruitment is very important for companies.
These days, Eneltec is recruiting some sales for city street lighting. As we all know,city street lighting is a very important part of LED Lighting Products. I really hope the total sales turnover of city street lighting would be double after this Recruitment.
Recruitment is also called “find”, “trick”, “new recruit”. The literal meaning, is a main and selection activities in order to achieve or accomplish a goal or task, Subject of legal persons, such as political parties, enterprises, institutions, organizations; natural sensational belly recruitment advertising, such as the troubled hero, individual boss. Whether legal or natural person must have the resources for the candidates of the demand for, otherwise, even if the emperor is difficult to complete the task of recruitment, such as the collapse of the emperor of the dynasty.
Recruitment, usually by subject, carriers and objects, the main employer, the carrier is the body of the dissemination of information, the object is the standard of candidates. Three are indispensable.
More vector species, reputation or psoriasis-like paper, simple, and the economy; radio, television, newspapers, magazines, senior but they are costly; technology development and ideological progress, the trend of the Internet as a carrier began to flourish.

Phenomenon, recruitment activities and more from the strong to the weak performance characteristics, the boss recruit employees for thousands of years become almost iron rule of the people follow.
In the program, recruitment is usually established by the employment standards and the number of information dissemination, communication, assessment evaluation, comparison select, trial, hiring, etc. Employers develop recruitment plans, and be admitted to the users through a certain way. Recruitment, as an edge of the humanities, according to the field can be divided into political recruitment, military recruitment, recruitment of economic, cultural recruitment; the main body can be divided into the recruitment, recruiting, individual recruitment; the implementation of the recruitment can be divided into independent recruitment and recruitment commissioned; candidates can be divided into the boss recruitment of staff and staff recruitment boss, the boss of the recruitment of staff for the mainstream recruitment, staff recruitment boss non-mainstream recruitment, writing on the belly of an engineer in Shanghai, China in July 2009, recruitment boss situation, into recruitment successful operation and outcome, to fill the blank of the recruitment market “dual-track system, ease the workers’ collective psychology, media attention and aroused strong repercussions in the community, but still in the mode is non- mainstream, is a special individual cases.

