
Mercedes-Benz goes on well with streetlights

Mercedes-Benz is a top car brand. If you drive a Mercedes-Benz car, you would feel extremely good with the streetlights. If the Streetlights are LED Lighting Products, and also Mercedes-Benz is also installed with LED. So, streetlights are the best background of Mercedes-Benz.
In the 1880s, the German Karl of this second-class people to design the internal combustion engine. The internal combustion engine using liquid fuel combustion in the cylinder. Combustion engine, this time in the 1885 trial car. Since then, the car off after not Carl and his manufacture of car improvements, become a kind of public transportation. Extensive use of the car, and enhance people’s capacity to change people’s lifestyles, and expand the scope of activities of the people, strengthen the communication between people. He is known as the “father of the car. Later, we Chinese people, according to the transliteration of the surname, translated as “Mercedes” car, a clever and appropriate performance characteristics of the car.
Mercedes-Benz, the German car brand, is considered to be the world’s most successful premium car brand, Just like people think that Eneltec Group is the best led streetlight manufacturer, one of the perfect level of technology, excellent quality standards, the ability to innovate innovation and a series of classic coupe style is admirable. Mercedes-Benz three-pointed star has become one of the world’s most famous car brand logo. December 22, 1900 Daimler engine plant to its customers and presented the the first car to the Mercedes brand cars, Mercedes cars, has become a model for the automotive industry. 100 years, Mercedes-Benz brand has always been a pioneer in automotive technology innovation.
Since the Mercedes-Benz created the first one of the world recognized the car, one hundred years later, the car has long spent his 100th birthday, in a hundred years, with the vitality of development of the automotive industry, has emergeda lot of car manufacturers, there are mighty, but in the end is just a flash in the pan. Now, be able to experience the ups and downs and eventually saved, but 34 home, and the century-old, only Mercedes-Benz one.

