
led lighting for motorcycles case

The case is the typical experience in the production life of the rich variety of meaningful event statement. It is among the stories that people have suffered intentional interception. Case of a pan includes three elements. Case of great significance for people’s learning, research, life draw. Case-based teaching is an effective carrier for targeted educational to the people passing through the case. Thus it is often the case as a tool of persuasion, reflection, education. Cases in the study of people formed a writing format, the standard style to offer a lot of convenience for people to better adapt to the case scenarios.
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Case, there are several reference to one example, the instance cases. Initially only use the word “case” is the medical profession in the medical case and the individual cases referred. Specifically, disease diagnosis, treatment methods of records in order to have well documented. The case-depth research and analysis on issues related to discovering and find with regularity, the universality of the ingredients, this is the application of discipline is the quickest and most accurate means of research and one of the methods. At present, the disciplines of psychology, management, education and medicine, law, etc., case studies has already become the most effective research tool. Science as applied extremely wide range of public relations, their case studies also occupies an important position in the whole system. But the case of public relations, has yet to see a able to be universally accepted definition. Here, we believe that public relations case, refers to the reproduction or introduction of objective content and process of a specific public relations activities.
In general, the cases in different areas, among different people to recognize the argument. Some argue that the case is a typical event of problems or difficult situations, including real. Another view was that the case is an instance of the researchers are interested in a class of events. These two views is a comprehensive account of the so-called case refers to people on a typical event capture. Similar to the story, but not an ordinary story.
Case because it is a narrative of Remembrance. Its stylistic also with a clear narrative style. Therefore, since the expression of a narrative is traced back to the typical events. A good case should have the following three features:
1, story
Case human Qing Levin, an important factor is that it itself contains a typical scene of the story. Naturally fat people imperceptibly into an immersive scenario thinking, together with the events in the hero with resonance. This indicates that the case itself is the statement of the event with a blend of scenarios.
2, the dramatic
The case is not the same dramatic and common dramatic feel. Case dramatic breakthrough in this story, the climax of the event development. Which the story of the conflict link, and the hero is the behavior and thinking of how to resolve conflict. It is these conflicting links and contradiction shows that crack the details of people interesting. Therefore, a good case is a good drama fragment.
3, meaning not entirely
The deficiencies of the so-called meaning, refers to the case which contains a variety of possibilities, to inspire people to more thought, and inspire people to produce some common feelings of humanity and general feelings. From this point of view, not all events can be a good case. It has a great chance in the widespread production life. Can not be artificially created. As Borrow Arrows with Thatched advance a number of factors can be controlled, but once the incident is definitely not human completely dominated. This is rarely affect the root causes of the extensive case story where in the world. It is this point to express the case itself contains the meaning of the deficiency in Is the so-called wise see wisdom, eyes of the beholder also.

