
e40 led street light cause micro economy

The microeconomic means an amount of economic activity, economic activity of a single economic unit. Refers to individual enterprises, business units and their economic activities, such as individual enterprises, production, supply and marketing, individual exchange price. The operation of the micro-economic, price and market signals induced by competition and self-adjust and balance; run macroeconomic, many of the market mechanism can not reach areas, necessary for the state from the overall interests of society, using various means to carry out macroeconomic regulation and control.
As we all know, e40 led street is one kind of LED Lighting Products such as led streetlighte40 led street light price’s change, the micro economy of e40 led street light is not easy.
Micro-economic and micro-economic. Micro-economic: refers to the volume of economic activity, economic activity of a single economic unit. Refers to individual enterprises, business units and their economic activities, such as individual enterprises, production, supply and marketing, individual exchange price. The operation of the micro-economic, price and market signals induced by competition and self-adjust and balance; run macroeconomic, many of the market mechanism can not reach areas, necessary for the state from the overall interests of society, using various means to carry out macroeconomic regulation and control.
Micro-economy macroeconomics: refers to the total economic activity, the overall economic activity. Refers to the entire national economy or national economy in general and its economic activities and the operation status, such as aggregate supply and aggregate demand; the total value of the national economy and its growth rate; the main proportion of the national economy; the general level of prices; Labor and Employment the overall level of unemployment; the overall size and growth rate of the currency; the overall size of the import and export trade, and movements.
Macroeconomic and microeconomic two different levels of economic activity and economic operation. Macroeconomic and microeconomic closely linked. Micro-economic basis of the macroeconomic macroeconomic good condition is a necessary condition for the micro-economic activities to be carried out smoothly.
Social and economic activities as a whole, macro-micro linkages between production, circulation, distribution and exchange of all aspects are closely linked to the In the process of the socialist planned economy to a market economy, plans and market are two different means of regulation. Modern socialized commodity economy under the conditions of rational use of economic instruments for planning and market allocation of resources in order to more effectively achieve the development of social production in proportion to. Both the planning and the market, the market at a more basic plan is to play in the market under the macro-regulation and micro-guidance function. Planning and market only organic combination in order to promote China’s economy sustained, rapid and healthy development. Transitional period of the planned economy to a market economy countries, in particular macroeconomic legal means to regulate.

