
Buy LED portable explosion proof lighting instead of LV

LV means Louis Vuitton, now is the top fashion brand, but as the economy is not so good, why always buy such expensive products? I think we should buy LED portable explosion proof lighting instead of LV. As the LED portable explosion proof lighting are not as expensive as LV, also could save a lot of cost from the power consumption. Maybe in the future, the LED Lighting Products like LED portable explosion proof lighting would be also part of fashions.
Louis Vuitton, he is history’s most distinguished French designers of leather goods, in 1854 in Paris, opened his own name the first suitcase shop. A century later, Louis Vuitton luggage and leather goods to become one of the best areas of the brand, and become a symbol of high society. Today, the Louis Vuitton brand has not only limited to the design and sale of high-end leather goods and luggage, but to become involved in fashion, accessories, shoes, bags, jewelry, watches, media, wine and other areas of the giant trend indicators. LV suitcase from the early T stage in Paris a year now constantly changing LV fashion show, LV is able to stand in the international fashion industry has been the top position, proud home of luxury brands out, in its own unique brand DNA.
Really rather deep packet pattern, if the gap between the small particles compared blisters clear, like LV is the width of the groove between the particles is very average. Whole feels soft and hard moderate, more flexible. Itself has a texture like leather flat, then irregular bubble pattern secondary capsules up feeling, but the gap between each piece blister pattern is uniform and there is a certain depth. And each one covered with small blisters are highly uniform depth, looking more texture.
Imitation of the pressure out of the bag is also very similar pattern, but the oil will be used for a long time, often feel stiffer. Although there are irregular patterns, but the main pattern that capsules of the gap between the small, dense particles feel blisters appear crowded together, not three-dimensional. Total of comparison, the details can still be seen.

