
MV Rabaul Queen need street light luminaires

MV Rabaul Queen sink in the Solomon Sea, it’s really a pity, if it’s installed with led streetlight like street light luminaires, maybe it would be much safer. Street light luminaires are much higher lumen, so, all the ships would install street light luminaires to save more lives.
China news agency, Beijing, February 2 – Papua New Guinea, a ferry with about 350 people on the 2nd morning in the country’s coastal waters sank. Up to now, 238 passengers have been rescued, but there are still 100 people unaccounted for. The number of vessels, including “River” round the wreck site to assist the rescue of the Papua New Guinea authorities.
According to the Australian Broadcasting Corp. reported, the majority of survivors in good health, and basically was not injured.
Australian Maritime Safety Authority, a spokesman said Australia will send the aircraft has arrived at the accident site to the surface of the water put in a number of life rafts. The number of merchant ships in nearby waters also involved in the rescue.
China Maritime Search and Rescue Center pointed out that the wheel via China COSCO Group owned the “river” of the area and actively participate in search and rescue has rescued the 29 drowning passengers.
Australian Prime Minister Gillard said Australia has sent an aircraft, three helicopters and eight boats rushed to the wreck site to assist search and rescue, the Australian side is willing to provide all possible assistance to Papua New Guinea.
According to Australian Associated Press reported that the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, O’Neill said, the government will this disaster to conduct a full investigation, and for the shipping industry to develop more safety measures.
Wednesday morning, local time, and from Papua New Guinea Kimbe and Lae, Rabaul Queen ferry and shore lost contact. After Papua New Guinea maritime authorities confirmed that the ferry had issued a distress signal. Passengers on board for students and student teachers, there is no foreign passengers. Papua New Guinea shipping company spokesman said that the wreck cause of the accident has not been ascertained, but a shipwreck is likely to be caused by bad weather, search and rescue operations due to inclement weather may also be forced to interrupt a period of time.

