
solar led street light circuit turn on Christmas

Christmas is a good holiday, but if we use solar led street light circuit, it would be much safer. As we all konw, solar led street light circuit is very important for LED Lighting Products, if we use good solar led street light circuit, the quality of LED Lights and led streetlight would be good.
Christmas, the name is an abbreviation of “Christ Mass”. Mass is a liturgy of the church. Christmas is a religious festival. To celebrate it as the birth of Jesus, which also known as Christmas. On this day, all the Christian world would have held a special liturgy. December 25 of each year, celebrate the day Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, at Christmas, most of the Catholic Church will be the first Christmas Eve on December 24, which is held on the morning of December 25, midnight mass, while some Christian churches will be held caroling, and then celebrate Christmas on December 25; another major branch of Christianity – Orthodox Christmas celebrations in the annual January 7 days.
Christmas this name is the abbreviation of “Jesus Caesar”. In addition to mainland China, basic translation for “Christmas” is a more accurate translation. Christians celebrate their faith to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ Christmas Day “Christmas celebration and Christian at the same time
Spain, the Christmas beauty, speculation began in the 1st century AD. A long time since the date of Christmas is not determined because the exact date of birth of Jesus is controversial, outside the New Testament, there is no documented mention Jesus; “New Testament” do not know the date, of course, No one knows the exact date.
In the first three centuries AD, after Jesus’ birthday is celebrated on different days. 3rd century AD, before the writers want Christmas day up and down in the Vernal Equinox Day. Christianity in Rome was legalized until the mid-3rd century AD, 354 AD the Bishop of Rome specifies the Julian calendar, December 25th for the birth of Jesus day. Christmas date with AD Annals of the created are inextricably linked. BC dating is created in the 5th century BC, later Christmas Day according to the Gregorian calendar, namely BC Annals of the “calendar” to determine the calendar date of the supposed time into BC (Before Christ) and AD (AD is the Latin abbreviation meaning “With our Lord – the era of Jesus”). Later, although the universal Church to accept the December 25 for Christmas, but because of the local churches use the almanac, the specific date can not be unified, so put in December 24 to the second year of January 6 as Christmas Festival of Christmas atmosphere in China, local churches can celebrate Christmas in this section of according to local circumstances.

