
Ivory tower produce dimmable led downlight

The term “ivory tower” and later be gradually applied to all aspects of social life, mainly refers to “the dream situation of isolation, escape life in paradise, hideaway”.
As we all know, dimmable led downlight is a special LED Lighting Products. Ivory tower produce a lot of engineers who are interested in dimmable led downlight. So, Ivory tower produce dimmable led downlight.LED downlight is embedded into the ceiling light-in lighting, it also belongs directional lighting.
In Chinese, the ivory tower, originally referred to the ugly and tragic of life to ignore the social reality, implicit in its ideal in a happy position to engage in creative, means to transcend the real world, away from the life and hid in solitude and comfort of personal little world, with subjective fantasy writing activities; epitaxial meaning “as a metaphor from the real life of the small world of writers and artists. University, Institute of precisely such a place.
Zhou Zuoren use the analogy of the scholars who live in the tower. May be Guliyagawa out of the ivory tower “.
The ivory tower refers to the imaginative inner colorful unreal, a small universe.
The ivory tower is also an illusion to be confirmed by science and technology, especially the highly sophisticated exploration of the universe, science fiction books, “the mystery of the ivory tower” is this.
In addition, the meaning of the ivory tower in today was not just the schools and research institutes. Blizzard’s Warcraft game in the world of fashion, more and more vocabulary of Warcraft traffic on the network, the ivory tower is one of them, it is the the Terran stores sell mini tower, the role is in the target area the establishment of an observation tower. Ivory tower is a family of people essential travel home, the construction of fast, one can buy three human farmers made the change it needs a total of 100 gold, 70 wood, mini-tower is 30 gold and 20 wood up another tower of 70 gold and 50 wood 100 gold 70 wood; so, the human 3 ivory tower (to speed up the tower of the construction of speed) is equal to is completely free price is made with the farmers, cast CD cooldown ivory tower known as the Bug of the Terran Terran tower rush tactics of the wave flow, speed mining stream tactics essential tool. The ivory tower can be upgraded to a mysterious tower, change it, and the turret.
Also, in the game Lineage 2 ivory tower is the world’s largest shaman school. The ivory tower is erected in the center of the huge crater appeared to cave. Underground, the Nabo Lai Yi special shops in central placement and close to the average person can. Its internal piety and serious Alchemist Association and the Orcs Association, the legendary channel leading to the different space. The main monster: in an ivory tower surrounded by a meteorite power to attract and gather magical creatures. And some fled out of the ivory tower magician experimental body of biological, even a threat to the surrounding adventurer.

