
Napoléon Bonaparte need city street light

Napoléon Bonaparte is such a famous leader. As we all know, he lose the war against Russia. It’s really a pity, in his times, no city street light, so he lose the direction of Russia. If he have city street light, maybe the history would be changed. So, now, city street light is very important in the LED streetlight.
Napoleon Bonaparte was born in the city of Ajaccio in Corsica in 1769, his family is an Italian aristocratic family, Corsica has just been sold to the kingdom of France, His Holiness admitted that his father, for the kingdom of France aristocracy. The arrangement of the father, Carlo Bonaparte, Napoleon the age of 9 to France Bristol Aisne military academy to receive education. , Chosen to attend the Military Academy in Paris in 1784 after graduating with honors, specializing in the artillery school. Napoleon Napoleon began to confess to being a foreigner, is hoping to one day be able to Corsican independence from France. The age of 16 his father died, he dropped out of school and was awarded the artillery second lieutenant in the title. With the troops stationed throughout the period, he read the writings of many Enlightenment thinkers, including Rousseau’s thinking of his great influence. 1789 after the outbreak of the French Revolution, Napoleon returned to Corsica, hope to promote Corsica independent, but was another pro-British anti-French Poly squeezed the last family to flee to France.
Napoleon is an excellent strategist, deep study of military knowledge, adept at a variety of military tactics used in actual combat, especially advocates artillery concentrated use, and give full play to the motor role of the cavalry. March 2, 1796, 26-year-old Napoleon was appointed to the Italian Army Commander-in-Chief of the French Republic, March 9, married lover Josephine Bo Aer within, and then hastily rushed to the front. Interestingly, Napoleon’s origin is in Italy, although he is a French citizen, her father is Italian. Commander of Napoleon’s army in Italy, repeatedly repulsed the Virgin Mzee General of the Austrian Empire and Sardinia, the first anti-French alliance coalition, finally forcing the other to the signing of the armistice treaty in favor of the French Republic. This is a masterpiece of Napoleon’s military history, however, the French army in Italy, burning and looting, causing a number of criticisms.

