
LED shop lighting Beauty

Beauty, general explanation for the appearance of a beautiful woman. Nutrition experts on nutrition, beauty definition of requirements, from the proportion of face, body mass index, health indicators and the degree of development is more focussed on a health standard. Ancient endowed many adjectives and poems and songs of beauty and aesthetic information. This note contains various times and the state standard of beauty and stories.
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First, they are independent, such independence is not isolated, but the burden of life have taken up; do not need funding, independent female talent more confident, emotionally, to give love and selfless dedication, they loyal to the public welfare, because the love of female talent is more abundant. Secondly, they are of wisdom, this wisdom is not the blues, but the face of numerous social, will have its own philosophy of life, because the wise woman will always young. Also have good looks and body. The family is a wife, mother, got on the hall got under the kitchen. Although the cosmetic things, but only a very small part of the cosmetic.
Beauty in people’s daily life as a call has been very popular, so the beauty can be said that the good name of the woman.
The aesthetic of the face; whether coordination refers to the proportion of facial features, while the ancient Chinese painter painting portrait summed up by three court five insightful concept that defines the face of the standard ratio between the international known as the face The Golden Section “- 1:1.618.
The definition of the face: the face is formed by covering the surface of the facial bones, facial muscles look.
The location of the face: the location of facial features is important that the mutual relations of proportion, “tribunal” means will face is vertically divided into three parts: on the court, courtyard, under the court. In court from the hairline to the eyebrow line, the atrium is the line from the eyebrow to the nose and the bottom line, under the court refers to the bottom line from the nose and the bottom line to the chin. If the “tribunal” is just the length of the equivalent of three equal portions, facial vertical proportion relationship is the best.
The “five” refers to the length of an eye as the unit of measurement in the lateral facial points and five equal parts.
“3.1″ refers to the brow and inner corner, nose three points form a vertical straight line.
“Four Middle School” refers to as a vertical forehead – the tip of the nose – the people – the axis of the chin, in this vertical line, “four high” forehead, nose, lip bead tip of the chin. “Three lows” between the two eyes, the the nasofrontal the junction must be depression; people ditch depressions above the lip beads, the beauty of people ditch deep, people ridge obvious; lower lip below, a small depression, 3 depressions.

