
buy streetlight fixtures just like buy potato

Normally, we always regard the streetlight fixtures as top level Led Lighting Products, but really, streetlight fixtures could be bought like potato. streetlight fixtures are very special, but not streetlight fixtures are more and more popular in the world.
The potato plant height of about 50 to 80 cm. Stem divided into two parts of the aerial stems and underground stems. The potato skin color is white, yellow, pink, red, purple and black; potato flesh is white, yellow, purple, yellow, black, purple and black. Primary leaves as a single leaf, margin entire. With the growth of plants, and gradually form a pinnate. Cyme top students, white, light blue, purple and pink-colored berries.
Wild potato originated in South America, the Andean area to cultivate the local Indians. 16th century Spain. Colonists to bring it to Europe, the 1586 British defeated the Spanish in the Caribbean, from South America to collect the tobacco plant seed potatoes to England. Back to the United States by Irish immigrants in 1719, planting began in the United States. The 17th century, the potato has spread to China.
Often healthy people who eat potato, slow old. There are hundreds of varieties of potato in the origin and the people around the world according to different purposes and constantly develop new varieties, there are thousands of varieties around the world, containing a higher proportion of starch is suitable as a staple food, but also suitable as a eaten as a vegetable. A lot of new varieties.
Potato nutritious, anti-aging food. 100g potatoes contained nutrients: calcium 11 ~ 60mg, phosphorus 15 to 68mg, Iron 0.4mg to 4.8mg, thiamine 0.03 ~ 0.07mg, riboflavin 0.03 ~ 0.11mg and so on. From a nutritional point of view, it has more advantages than the rice, flour, can supply the body with large amounts of heat can be called “perfect food”.
According to the source of the potato, taste and shape, to the potato, to take a lot of interesting name. For example: China, Shandong Lunan called to eggs, Yunnan, Guizhou area known as taro or Yangshan Yu, Guangxi called the fan kwai Tsz potato, winter taro, Shanxi is called Potato, Anhui part also known as sweet potato, the northeastern provinces to said potatoes. Hebei region called the Potato, yam. Potato, also known as potatoes, potato, Yangshan Yu, Potato, steamed bun, eggs, potatoes, etc.. The Italians called to beans, the Frenchman called to Apple, the German called to pear, Americans called yam bean, Ireland, the Russians called the Dutch potato. In view of the confusion of the name, the botanist to give it the world’s scientific name – potato.

