
efficient street lighting turn on Shanghai

As we all konw Shanghai is a moden city, and now efficient street lighting turn on Shanghai. efficient street lighting are special kinds of LED Lighting Products such as led streetlight, but efficient street lighting are cheap and long lifespan.
Shanghai, China’s largest city, municipalities, one of the People’s Republic of China, China National Center City, the Chinese economy, finance, trade, exhibition and shipping center. Shanghai is located in central China’s mainland coastline of Yangtze Delta, and across the Japanese island of Kyushu across the south of Hangzhou Bay, western phase and Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. Has the largest foreign trade port in China, the largest industrial base; is an emerging tourist destination, has a profound modern urban culture and many historical monuments, and the successful hosting of the 2010 World Expo. Today, Shanghai has developed into a shining global international metropolis, and is committed to develop into an international financial center and shipping center in 2020.
Shanghai has a long history, there are more than two thousand years of history. Shanghai Spring and Autumn for the Wu to the Warring States Period, Chu Chunshenjun fief, began to build the city. “Shanghai” is the first city in the Shanghai area. Later, Shanghai is the city sites several changes, the names have been changed multiple times. Finally fixed in the Three Kingdoms period in Sheshan near down and renamed as “Hua Ting Tang Dynasty set up county Huating County north of Shanghai town gradually developed. July twenty-eight years, the Yuan Dynasty, Yuan, the court approved the Shanghai town to build an independent county. This day as the anniversary of the founding of the city, dating back over 700 years of history. So Shanghai Huating become the Twin Cities. Established the Ming Dynasty in the Hua Ting, Shanghai Songjiang Prefecture. Su – Song Qing Dynasty set up too Road (in the late according to the resident known as the Shanghai Road, Tao-level administrative divisions, one under the Qing Dynasty, Jiangsu Province, Suzhou government governs, Songjiang Prefecture and Taicang Zhili, Junji years resident Taicang Kangxi period resident Songjiang Prefecture under the jurisdiction of Suzhou, Yongzheng resident of Shanghai County. early Qing Junji years, the establishment of the the Susong Bing Preparation of Road Patrol, the jurisdiction of Suzhou Prefecture, Songjiang Prefecture, under the southern province of the state in Taicang Road Department in 1663 ( Kangxi years), Su – Song Tao replaced by Su – Song Chang Road, increase jurisdiction Changzhou Fu Road Department be moved to the Suzhou 1667 (Kangxi six years), Jiangsu Province, Su – Song Chang Road abolition in 1670 (Kangxi nine years) to restore Chang, Su – Song Tao. in 1682 (21 years of Emperor Kangxi), Changzhou Fu change is a Town Road, so Su – Song Chang Road, to change Ming Susong Road 1724 (Yongzheng 02), originally belonged to Suzhou Prefecture Taicang State promoted to Zhili, so Su – Song Tao change Mingsu Song Tao too.

