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GPS is short for Global Positioning System, and its Chinese referred to as “ball line”. GPS is a new generation of space satellite navigation system jointly developed by the U.S. armed forces in the 1970s. Its main purpose is to provide real-time, weather and global navigation service for three major areas of land, sea and air, and for intelligence gathering, nuclear explosion monitoring and emergency communications for military purposes, $ 30 billion after 20 years of research experiments U.S. dollars, 24 March 1994, up to 98% global coverage of GPS satellite constellation has been laid to complete. There is another meaning in the mechanical field GPS: Geometrical product specifications – referred to as the GPS. Another explanation for the G / s (GB per s)
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The GPS system, formerly known as the U.S. military developed a Transit, developed in 1958, 64 years officially put into use. The 5-6 satellite of the satellite network, a day around the Earth 13 times, and can not be given a high degree of positioning accuracy is not satisfactory. However, the meridian instrument system R & D department has made a preliminary experience of satellite positioning, and verify the feasibility of positioning by satellite systems, buried, paving the way for the development of the GPS system. Satellite positioning, the great defect of the great advantage of the navigation and the meridian instrument systems for submarines and ships navigation. The United States armed forces and the civilian sector felt an urgent need for a new satellite navigation system.
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To this end, the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) called Tinmation 12 to 18 satellites 10000km high degree of global positioning network plan, and in 67 years, 69 years and 74 years launched a test satellite In the preliminary test of these satellites atomic clock system, which makes the basis of the precise positioning of the GPS system. The Air Force proposed 621-B 3-4 4-5 satellites per constellation constellation plan the rest of the life cycle of these satellites, in addition to a synchronous orbit 24h inclined orbit the plans based communication satellite ranging signal to the pseudo-random number (PRN), its powerful features, when the signal density of less than 1% of ambient noise can be detected. The successful use of pseudo-random code is an important basis for the GPS system to success. Navy’s plan is mainly used to provide low dynamic two-dimensional positioning for the ship, the Air Force’s plan for providing high dynamic service, however, the system is too complex. And the development of the two systems will result in huge costs and here two schemes are designed to provide global positioning, the U.S. Department of Defense in 1973 two persons into one, jointly by the Department of Defense-led satellite navigation and positioning Programme Office (JPO), the leadership, but also offices set up in Los Angeles Air Force Space. The agency members, including representatives of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Ministry of Transportation, Defense Mapping Agency, NATO and Australia.

