
The first USB flash drive and the first LED explosion proof light switches

A USB flash drive is a data storage device that consists of flash memory with an integrated Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface.
Who invent the first USB flash drive? It’s really very difficult to answer. There are currently four entities who lay claim to inventing the USB flash drive: Dov Moran of M-Systems, Pua Khein Seng of Phison Electronics, Trek Technology, Netac Technology. Both Trek Technology and Netac Technology have tried to protect their patent claims. Trek won a Singaporean suit, but a court in the United Kingdom revoked one of Trek’s UK patents. While Netac Technology has brought lawsuits against PNY Technologies, Lenovo, aigo, Sony, and Taiwan’s Acer and Tai Guen Enterprise Co, most companies that manufacture USB flash drives do so without regard for Trek and Netac’s patents. Pua Khein-Seng from Malaysia claims to have incorporated the world’s first single chip USB flash controller. He is currently the CEO of Phison Electronics Corp based in Taiwan.
Then who invent the first LED explosion proof light switches? As far as I know, one Israeli engineer who claim to inventing the first LED explosion proof light switches, and then he participate into the R&D Center of Eneltec in Israel. To be frank, I know Eneltec is a professional LED Lighting Products Supplier, but I’m not very sure about that story, but one thing I’m sure, the LED explosion proof light switches are very import parts of LED explosion proof lights and Eneltec is really go at producing LED Lighting Products, like LED Flood Lights, LED High Bay Lights, LED Street Lights, and so on.

