
More and more customers from Egypt need LED explosion proof spotlight

After the Chinese New Year Holiday, a lot of new customers come to visit us, especially More and more customers from Egypt need LED explosion proof spotlight. In the beginning, I was so surprised that, even we sell our LED explosion proof spotlight to more than 50 countries, but why there are some many new customers from Egypt need LED explosion proof spotlight? After some talking with these customers, I come to realize the reasons.
Oil in Egypt in the national economy plays a very important role, is the most important sources of foreign exchange, and its GDP by 10% and 40% of export earnings are from the oil and its products, as of 2004 Egypt’s proven oil reserves of 36 billion barrels, about 500 million tons; reserves of 31.18 billion barrels to be found, the entire development potential of 67.18 million barrels of oil, about 10 million tons. In the daily output side, according to statistics, the highest level reached in 1996, 92.2 million barrels per day. In addition, as of 2004, Egypt has proven gas reserves of 62 trillion cubic feet, prospective reserves is expected to reach 1.2 trillion cubic feet. Egypt has become the world’s most abundant natural gas resources, one of the countries, and its natural gas reserves in the Arab countries, ranked No. 6 in the world’s proven natural gas in 102 countries are ranked No. 18.
Now, after the social instability of Egypt, they come to rebuild Egypt again. So the explosion proof works are very very important for the oilfields. As we all know, Eneltec is such a professional LED Lighting Products supplier, so then come to us for the business cooperations.

