
drunk driving? You need good quality led flood lights!

As we all know, drunk driving is such a dangerous thing that could make us and others lose our lives in the traffic accident. This is the act of driving a motor vehicle with blood levels of alcohol in excess of a legal limit. Similar regulations cover driving or operating certain types of machinery while affected by drinking alcohol or taking other drugs. This is a criminal offense in most countries. Convictions do not necessarily involve actual driving of the vehicle.
So, why we want to drive after drunk? Why everybody know it’s wrong, still a lot people do that? In most jurisdictions a measurement such as a blood alcohol content in excess of a defined level, such as 0.05% or 0.08% defines the offense, with no need to prove impairment or being under the influence of alcohol. In some jurisdictions, there is an aggravated category of the offense at e.g. 0.12%. In most countries, anyone who is convicted of injuring or killing someone while under the influence of alcohol or drugs can be heavily fined, as in France, in addition to being given a lengthy prison sentence.
Many states in the U.S. have adopted truth in sentencing laws that enforce strict guidelines on sentencing, different from past practice where prison time was reduced or suspended after sentencing had been issued.
Now more and more countries focus on drunk driving more and more. In China, new laws are set up to stop drunk driving, it’s really good for our safety. Besides that, we need not only laws, but also good quality led flood lights! New more and more cars are installed with LED Replacement Lamps, it is a new concept of car designing, it safe, high lumen, high lux, which could make your driving more safe and suitable. Using good quality led flood lights is not only for the rich, but also more and more normal people could use this good method to get rid of the accidents. Let’s buy moregood quality led flood lights, and less drunk driving.

