
Good quality LED Down Lights help you overcome Karōshi

Karōshi, what’s the meaning of that? Karōshi, which can be translated literally from Japanese as “death from overwork”, is occupational sudden death. Although this category has a significant count, Japan is one of the few countries that reports it in the statistics as a separate category. The major medical causes of karōshi deaths are heart attack and stroke due to stress. As we all konw, the competition in the big cities are so high, everybody are trying harder and hard in working, everybody are working in such a high presure.
So, the death from overwork happen more and more, it’s such a signal of the over presure and over limited works. The first case of karōshi was reported in 1969 with the death from a stroke of a 29-year-old male worker in the shipping department of Japan’s largest newspaper company. Many will be prepared to work unpaid overtime to an extreme extent particularly as their
young co-workers will often quit when a job is too strenuous. In some cases it has been proven that firms were aware of the poor health of an employee. Meanwhile, death-by-overwork lawsuits have been on the rise in Japan[citation needed], with the deceased person’s relatives demanding compensation payments. However, before compensation can be awarded, the labour inspection office must acknowledge that the death was work-related. As this may take many years in detailed and time-
consuming judicial hearings, many do not demand payment.
For all the bosses, we should set up better working environment. As the scientists said,Good quality LED Down Lights would give us better lumen output, we would have lower presure inside our heart. Compared with halogen lamps, Good quality LED Down Lights would cost a little more, but the life of workers are priceless, if we have a better team, better working situation, we could make more money to buy more Good quality LED Down Lights. So, use LED downlight, keep your workers far away from death from overwork.

