
14-year-old girl scavenging “pick” the led light out of a suite

14-year-old girl scavenging "pick" the led light out of a suite$ 12,000 to buy a three bedroom house rental price of $ 700 per month
Recently, a 14-year-old girl in Florida, USA “Deal or No Deal” and took out their daily rely on the scavenging earned $ 6,000, ask the mother to borrow $ 6,000 to buy a three bedroom house, the media hailed as the United States is the youngest from scratch “to buy” home of the landlord.
The youngest, “landlord”
According to U.S. media reports, the girls the led light, who lives in Florida, 14 years old. Vina’s mother, Sharon Moore is a real estate brokerage. Usually the Vina nothing with customers to see the house his mother. The Vina see many owners abandoned the old furniture and objects in the house will be from picking up some valuable “shabby” home resold. Gradually the accumulation of $ 6,000.
Recently, Vina their savings out to buy a concrete house with three bedrooms. This house before the real estate bubble burst in 2005, the price rose as high as $ 100,000. But now, because the previous owners could not repay the loan, the house be forfeited to get the market auction, starting at $ 10,000, less than one tenth of the peak led high bay.
The Vina think this is a rare opportunity, they own half of the money, the other half asked his mother to borrow, with the final price of $ 12,000 to buy a house down, the U.S. media called “the youngest landlord.
Scavenging “pick up” the opportunities
According to reports, on the one hand, no different from Vina and other girls her age, is a fan of American singer Lady Gaga; the other hand, she is a bit unusual. Vina from the age of seven with his mother to seller, and thus have a strong interest in the real estate the led light market.
A few years ago, the U.S. sub prime mortgage crisis, a large number of houses were confiscated for resale. Vina followed by the mother was removed from the people discarded in the house, “shabby” between the house and see the opportunities.
Time, Vina his mother sell, found that the seller abandoned many valuable things in the house. She asked the buyers of the future, mind if her to help clean up the house. ”Lost the house full of all sorts of things. I was thinking, if he (the buyer) agree to these things I can pick up home resale.” Vina said in an interview with U.S. media.
Soon after, Vina will help others to clean up the resale of the house fixed income of $ 500 a month.
The property market downturn in the achievements of the elephants
Media said Vina achievements is quite simple, but this plummeted with the Florida property market is closely related. Have known as the “Sunshine State” Florida is one of the the U.S.  the led light housing market recession, the most serious state. In January of this year alone, 363 per house of the state set of owners unable to repay due to unemployment and other economic reasons, resulting in the house was confiscated by the bank. House too many due to foreclosures, the banks often at a low price houses for sale, but to earn a modest profit.

