
Syria, the situation recessed led lighting fixtures has changed

Syria, the situation recessed led lighting fixtures  has changed
The trend of the opposition split
17, five opposition groups in Syria, and formally announced that parted ways with the Syrian National Committee meeting in Istanbul, Turkey. This is a further split within the Syrian National Committee on the 13th of this month came not sound. The five opposition groups is the freedom of the national reform movement, Islamic motherland movement “,” Liberation and Development Group, “the Turkmen National Group” recessed led lighting fixtures and “Kurdish new life movement”.
Day, the Syrian National Committee senior Kamal Labo Varney also announced that out of the Committee. He said the Commission has been unable to represent the popular will, and hope to create a truly representative organization of the opposition “.
Previously, the Syrian National Committee executive board member of Mali He announced his departure, and accused the organization’s “internal confusion, unclear direction,” lack of transparency in the operation. He also said that more members will choose to leave.
Syrian opposition “separation” seems a foregone conclusion. The other side, the Syrian government forces continue to regain lost ground. Recently, government troops have complete control of Idlib, the provincial capital Idlib city in northwestern Syria, the end of the armed opposition Syria freedom army “on the control of the city for several months. Since the end of January this year, government forces have basic control of the eastern suburbs of Damascus, Hama province in rural areas, the city of Homs, Rastan City area.
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The transparency of the Syrian National Committee and the organization became the target of some members of the attack. Some members stated that they know nothing about on the amount of money and whereabouts of the Commission to obtain outside assistance. Mali He accused the “Syrian National Committee” slow response “in providing weapons to the rebels, Kamal Labo Varney implied opposition to the internal power struggle.
“Syrian National Committee as the largest overseas opposition groups in Syria, was established in August 2011, primarily by the exile of overseas persons, and advocates to promote regime change through violent means. Some analysts pointed out the lack of public opinion, and too many to embody the will of the other countries, the organization rejected the Syrian domestic opposition.
Yin Gang, West Asia and Africa researcher at the Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said in an interview, the representative of the Syrian National Committee should be questioned. A key member of the Syrian National Committee, most living abroad for decades, basically out of their domestic situation. Thus, in the international arena in the end can be the extent to which the representative of all of Syria, led high bay is not known.
Syria itself is an opposition of many messy, difficult to reconcile the area. “Syrian National Committee in the international community has a certain right to speak, but there are large empty. Yin Gang pointed out that fact, the smaller faction of its territory, the foundation in the country the deeper, the strength of the stronger, more appeal to specific groups. recessed led lighting fixtures However, such factions in the international right to speak is very small. Announced that the independent organization, the Turkmen National Group “and” Kurdish New Life Movement “is the spokesman for the minority of its territory, and the” Islamic Movement “of the motherland represents the interests of the Muslim Brotherhood.

