
Militant group said on French low voltage led landscape lighting Jewish school shooting

Militant group said on French low voltage led landscape lighting Jewish school shooting
March 22, more than 30 hours after the siege of the confrontation, the French police to the serial shooting suspect action,  led high bay counter-terrorism team has entered its entrenched residential. Suspect Mohammed the Meila He has been killed in action, he resisted andFrance, local media said, citing police sources reported that, Toulouse shooting suspects were killed in a police raid that day.
BEIJING, March 23 militant groups, according to foreign reports, the “base” organization “caliph soldiers” (Jund al-Khilafah) 22 claimed responsibility for shooting this week in Toulouse, France.
The organization is the same day issued a statement on the website of “jihad”, “March 19, the actions taken by our brother Yusuf shaken the foundation of Zionism, their hearts full of fear.”  low voltage led landscape lighting This statement is obvious point to the shootings of the Jewish school in Toulouse, France.
The statement said, “We declare that the responsibility for these actions, and will punish Israel’s” crimes “.
The organization also called on France to change its policy for Muslims to give up the “hostile tendencies” of Islam, said a similar policy will only bring destruction.
According to the report of the U.S. network monitoring organization, the caliph soldiers have also announced that the responsibility for the attacks in Afghanistan and Kazakhstan.
22, more than 30 hours after the siege of the confrontation, the French police in Toulouse serial shooting suspect action, counter-terrorism team storm into their entrenched residential. Suspect Mohammed Zhong Lage in the fight against death.
Mohammed Zhong Lage claiming to be members of the organization of the “base” jihad.According to information released by the police, Mohammed Zhong Lage French citizen of Algerian origin, aged 23 years old, there are a number of misdemeanor convictions, low voltage led landscape lighting  some of which is a crime of violence. He joined a militant group and had traveled to Pakistan and Afghanistan border areas.
March 11, 14 in the southern French city of Toulouse and Montauban classes occurred successively in the local garrison soldiers attacks, killing three people were killed and one seriously injured. On the 19th in front of a Jewish school in Toulouse, another shooting,  low voltage led landscape lighting killing one teacher and three children.

