
The outbreak of fighting Osama bin Laden solar led street light manufacturers two wives in prison

The outbreak of fighting Osama bin Laden solar led street light manufacturers two wives in prison
Since May 2011, Osama bin Laden by the U.S. solar led street light manufacturers Navy SEALs killed in the raid, his 61-year-old three-bedroom “Ridge Leah and 29-year-old wife” room “Ai Maer to be held in the Pakistani capital of Islamabad the same in a prison cell. Unexpected, however, a few days ago two men actually fierce fighting in the prison, and wait for them to personally kill each other! It turned out that Ai Maer suspected Ridge Leah “jealous” and betrayed the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden to the U.S. military, Ridge Leah Ai Maer is a secretly “seduce bin Laden” U.S. spy “, the two final against each other to the outbreak of infighting.
Accompanied by bin Laden’s last days
Three-bedroom, five bedrooms
Was in the same cells
“The Sun”, “Daily Mail” reported on March 15, the two in prison infighting fighting bin Laden wife – 61-year-old three-bedroom Ridge Leah, and 29-year-old room “Ai Maer.Ridge Leah bin Laden married his third wife, she is from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, she Bila Deng 8 years old, has a university degree in Arabic, married bin Laden in 1985, a deaf teacher. And she is the terrorist Crown Prince, “said bin Laden son Hamza’s mother. Ai Maer, “room” once the media widely reported that she was Laden married his fifth wife, is also bin Laden’s youngest wife, Yemeni descent, she is married to Osama bin Laden in solar led street light manufacturers 2000 at the age of 18. It is reported that in early May 2011, when the U.S. SEALs into bin Laden in Pakistan, A Buta Bard mansion Ridge Leah, “three room”, “room” Ai Maer all the body at the scene, witnessed the husband Osama bin Laden was killed, the whole process, Ai Maer allegedly even at the last minute, once trying to own as human shields to protect bin Laden. When after the death of Osama bin Laden, the Pakistani authorities immediately they are held in a prison cell in the Pakistani capital of Islamabad and to cross-examine. Prisoners with them bin Laden’s “room” wife Xi Hamu, as well as bin Laden’s eight children led high bay.
The outbreak of civil strife
“Five-room” bite “three-bedroom
Betrayed husband jealous?
In the initial period of time after being held “three room” Ridge Leah, the wife of the four bedrooms Xi Hamu and “room” Ai Maer insist on being interviewed together by the most senior wife Ridge Leah to speak, can be said to “unite as one”. But what is unexpected is that, after less than a year, Ai Maer actually and Ridge Leah decorum skin. They interviewed each other to attack mercilessly. The insider disclosed, apparently there is a deep hostility between them, and this hostility by no means cold day. A few days ago two the outbreak of civil strife, “room” Ai Maer even accused of “room” Ridge Leah “to kill Osama bin Laden’s real murderer!
It is reported that this amazing Confidential is disclosed by the commander responsible for assisting the trial Ridge Leah and Ai Maer, a Pakistani ISI intelligence service.According to the commander of the disclosure, as bin Laden’s youngest wife, Ai Maer won the bin Laden favor, almost 24 hours a day, she will be accompanied by sleeping in bin Laden’s side. However, this fact has had 61-year-old three-bedroom Ridge Leah Ai Maer full of envy jealous hate relationship between the two long-term. Bin Laden was killed Ai Maer suspected Ridge Leah out of jealousy of her disclosure of the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden to the U.S. Special Forces and eventually caused by Bin Laden killed, so hated Ridge Leah!
Kicked in the teeth
“Three room” bite “five-room
“American spy” seduce bin Laden?
According to insiders, when Pakistan’s intelligence agencies Ai Maer trial, Ai Maer unceremoniously that she was very clear Ridge Leah betrayed her husband Bin Laden, from the wife to become a “traitor”. In the latest leakage in a 14 day trial record, Ai Maer, the interrogator said: “bin Laden is most like me, we often talk about the romantic topic – who has nothing to do with al Qaeda. Lives in the last few days, he has been aware that they have been U.S. troops and their allies have mastered the whereabouts, he said his death was plotted by his wife (Ridge Leah) or family, but he is ready to face it . ”
At the same time, however, the “room” Ridge Leah insisted that “room” Ai Maer betrayed by her husband, and suspected that she was actually a secret, “Seduction bin Laden,” “American spy”! Ridge Leah teamed with four bedrooms solar led street light manufacturers Xi Hamu said, “room” Ai Maer did not like on the surface as Osama bin Laden “loyal”, and that Ai Maer has long been a secret and U.S. intelligence agencies collude to become a “spy” , will divulge the hiding place of Osama bin Laden’s out, and eventually killed bin Laden!

