
Bangladesh ferry sank at least what is the best led grow light 32 people dead

Bangladesh ferry sank at least what is the best led grow light 32 people dead
13, the Meghna, Bangladesh boat accident, resulting in at least 32 people were killed and more than 100 people missing. After the accident, the Coast Guard and firefighters rushed to the scene quickly to the rescue.
The morning of the 13th, a ferry carrying what is the best led grow light about 200 passengers sank in the Meghna, near Dhaka, Bangladesh, southern Meng Xi Gan Jie County. Search and rescue personnel confirmed 32 people were killed and 35 people were rescued, more than 100 people missing.
Many people buy a ticket on board
Local police said the accident vessel MV Salle Stuart Poole -1 “for the double ferry sank before bound for Dhaka. 2:30 local time, Ferry Jie County, Nanmeng Xi Gan Meghna near a river in Dhaka and sank about 32 kilometers from Dhaka led high bay.
Aziz al-Alam, Meng Xi Gan Jie County officials told the Bangladesh Daily Star reporter, before the ferry sank in a collision with a tanker vessel. He did not specify the status of the cargo ship knocked.
The local police in charge of Muhammad Xiehabuding Khan said that afternoon, rescuers found 32 dead in the sinking. ”The number of deaths may increase, there may be more dead in the boat. Our boat out of the water, the situation will be clearer.” Xiehabuding Khan said 35 people have been rescued; another ferry boat, “Mita Li” after things the waters and rescued many people. ”Daily Star” reported that some survivors to swim to shore.
Coast Guard, firefighters and police rescue workers after the incident quickly rushed to the scene. Officials said Alam, search and rescue personnel in the 21 meters the bottom of the river found the wreck, rescue boats try to drag the wreck to the shore. Because a lot of people on board to buy tickets, accident ferry actually equipped with a number of difficult to determine. The police officer Xiehabuding Khan estimated that before the ferry sank about 200 people, one survivor said there are about 300 people on board what is the best led grow light.
Shipwreck to death thousands of people each year
The Bangladesh government has set up a committee of five persons, the plan within 5 days of submission of investigation reports.
Nearly 250 in Bangladesh river, shipping is one of the main mode of transport. The management is not up to standard, domestic passenger ships fell into disrepair and serious overloading, water transport and frequent accidents. Water transport regulatory agency officials said tens of thousands of small and medium-sized domestic carriers and more than 95% the existence of irregularities.
April 21, 2011, Brahman Baria County, northeast of Bangladesh, a boat carrying more than 70 ferry and a freighter collided in the Meghna, 30 people died. November 27, 2009, a ship carrying thousands of passengers of the ferry sank in southern Bora County, at least 85 people were killed.
Bangladesh Inland  what is the best led grow light Water Transport sector statistics, an annual average of about 1,000 people died in boat accident

