
Obama tend to use dialogue to resolve t8 high bay fixtures trade differences with China

Obama tend to use dialogue to resolve  t8 high bay fixtures trade differences with China

On the 13th U.S. President Barack Obama delivered a speech at the White House said the United States tend to use dialogue to bridge the trade disputes with other countries, especially for China and other key trading partners.
But Obama said the United States if necessary, will also take action to avoid damage American workers and businesses subject to unfair trade practices. The same day Obama signed the Congress of the 6th amendment of the Tariff Act, the revised tariff law clearly provides that the United States can impose countervailing duties on goods from t8 high bay fixtures  non-market economy country “.
The United States the same day joined the European Union and Japan filed the request for consultations to the WTO. It is required to negotiate the issue with China on rare earth and led high bay other restrictions on exports of raw materials. U.S. Trade Representative’s office said in a statement, because China is such key raw materials in the world’s most important exporting countries, China’s export restriction policies to improve the prices of raw materials outside China, at the same time depress domestic prices. This policy has led to downstream manufacturers face tremendous pressure, and was forced to business, jobs and technology transfer to China.
U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk said in a statement: “The United States today filed a request for consultations, as well as the establishment of cross-sectoral trade enforcement center reflects the Obama administration’s determination to all trading partners to comply with international trade rules.”
Minister of Industry and Information Technology Miao Wei, 13, said in an interview with Xinhua in an exclusive interview earlier, the Chinese exports of rare earths and other problems being sued, will be responding to initiative, to explain the situation. Miao Wei stressed that the Chinese rare earth export policy is not a foreign user, t8 high bay fixtures but do not want to trade protection by this means, but for the protection of resources, environmental protection, resource sustainable use and development purposes.
The data show that 100 million tons have been proven in the global rare earth reserves, China accounts for about 36%. But for a long time, China was supplying more than 90 percent of the global rare earths market. According to the U.S. Geological Survey data, the U.S. rare earth reserves of up to 13 million tonnes, second only to China and the CIS countries, but due to low domestic environmental protection and China’s rare earth price reasons, the U.S. mining companies several years ago basically to stop the mining activities.
In accordance with WTO rules, the consultation is the first step in the dispute settlement procedures, the relevant parties can take advantage of this opportunity to reach a solution. If within 60 days of negotiations fail, the United States will require the establishment of the WTO dispute settlement panels.
The United States filed the same day the request for consultations is one of the series of actions of recent U.S. demands to comply with WTO rules, but also includes policy against “discriminatory” electronic t8 high bay fixtures  payment services, wind power equipment subsidies and import restrictions, high-end steel and chicken products action

