
Flexibility of high quality led flashlights

Flexibility refers to the scope of activities of the magnitude of the human joint activities as well as ligaments, tendons, muscles, skin and other organizations flexibility and stretching ability of the joints and joint systems.
Flexibility can be divided into active flexibility and passive flexibility. Active flexibility refers to the use of muscle can make the scope of joint activities, the passive is simply the maximum range of joint activities. In general, the passive flexibility of the women and children, but because of lack of muscle development. It is usually less than adult males in active flexibility. But in any case, take the initiative to flexibility can not be beyond the scope of activities of the passive flexibility.
Flexibility of high quality led flashlights
high quality led flashlights are one of led streetlight. Flexibility of high quality led flashlights are very important, so, high quality led flashlights could be better lumen output.
Flexibility, range of motion of factors: joint bone structure, joints and surrounding tissue volume, ligaments, tendons, muscles and skin stretching; of which, the last one to improve the relationship between flexibility.
Flexibility is not only decide on changes in the structure, also decided in the neural regulation of skeletal muscle against muscle relax tight coordination. Improved coordination can guarantee to increase range of motion. Improve flexibility can lengthen the muscles, tendons and ligaments and other organizations, there are two kinds of explosive (rapid lengthening) and progressive. Among them, the progressive can relax the muscles, tendons slowly stretched, are unlikely to cause damage.
Young people is an important period for the development of flexibility, especially 5-13 years is the development of the sensitive period of best practice. Flexibility exercise, and easy to learn. Here are some, for giving top priority to selection.
Sitting on the ground, right leg straight in front of body, left leg bent, the outside close to the ground, composed of a triangle with the right leg, back straight from the hip forward, grasp the right foot and toes, to maintain this position for 30 seconds hand touch your toes does not allow action flick (not touch toes it does not matter). Other leg. Each leg stretch 3-5 times.
Stretch the inner thigh muscles – Method 1
Sitting, the soles of the feet in front of each other snapping the knees hold out and as close as possible to the ground, grasp the double ankle, to maintain this position, the number of 10, relax, and repeat 3-5 times.
Stretch the inner thigh muscles – Method 2
Sitting, feet in front of body straight and separate, keeping the back and knees straight, bend forward from the crotch with both hands from the inside of the legs to catch the ankles of the legs to maintain this position, I feel the inner thighs tension, relax, then repeat 3-5 times.
Stretch the calf (back) muscles.
Leaned over, with arms and a leg (straight, toes touch the ground) to support the body, the other leg bent at the front of body to relax, the body is focused on the support foot’s toes and heels back down hard, felt the leg muscles are taut, and to maintain a state of tension, the number of 10, relax, repeat three times, then change to the other leg done 3 times.

