
Suspected of killing Afghan civilians U.S. soldiers smd high power led face charges this week

Suspected of killing Afghan civilians U.S. soldiers smd high power led face charges this week
U.S. soldier suspected of killing 16 Afghan civilians, according to U.S. media reports, Robert Jaspers in the 19th to meet with defense counsel. Previously he had been sent to Levin, Fort Worth, Kansas military prison, waiting to be charged. Military officials say the allegations in the week smd high power led.
Jaspers weekend kept in solitary confinement, the military prosecutors are preparing for the proceedings. Jaspers has been surrendered to the military custody. He alleged shot at, assassinations and burned civilians, including women and children. U.S. officials said his atrocities spread to several villages in Kandahar province led high bay.
The prosecution service has not made any public statements on the matter, but U.S. President Barack Obama said he has instructed the military to actively deal with this case of public prosecution. Panetta, U.S. Defense Secretary, said that the suspects could face the death penalty smd high power led.
38-year-old Bear Stearns is married and has two children. Several of his lawyers did not deny allegations by Jaspers, but lawyers say they will comb the the Jaspers army experience to determine the cases and what factors This means that lawyers may lead to mental health problems out of control on the grounds for his defense. They pointed out that Jaspers had served in Iraq three times, serving in Afghanistan, suffered brain injuries and a serious foot injury.
It is reported that 9.11 a few months after the event, the Jaspers to give up a seemingly promising future career in the financial industry, joined the U.S. Army. Some people who know him puzzled. Now, with this period of his military career seems about to end, those who knew him and another thing that puzzled: how could he that in Afghanistan, U.S. soldiers shot and killed innocent civilians.
Jaspers to call him “Bobby” in Ohio, hometown neighbors and colleagues in Seattle near military bases that he is a trustworthy soldier fighting for those who knew him, his behavior him a different person with their eyes, so that the great contrast is simply unacceptable.
Jaspers sergeant grew up in Nor wood, Ohio, residential and Jaspers home across the two Potusaite said, this is not like what he has done, who knew him feel the heart like a knife twist. She said, “I see this message in the news, I still do not believe that is true, because the” Bells “and” Robert “is a very common name, but when I saw his close-up photos, he straight front of the eyes, the smiles on their faces when I said yes, that cute little Bobby. ”
Norwood is a middle-class town near Cincinnati, where the mountains rolling, a lot of residential porch alone houses. The town is very quiet during the day can even hear standing in the sounds of pigeons cooing on the wire. The Jaspers child a place to live with her family only two separated, he was a boy behaved the children of this neighborhood 82-year-old’s Potusaite. She remembers the Jaspers had to accompany his granddaughter home, school and other neighbors of the boys throwing the football on the streets of Ivanhoe. The Jaspers temper very good, very quiet, very little, and do not like noisy; he is a good child, she said smd high power led.
Bells High School is Norwood High School, where he joined the school football team, very popular with other players like. Currently living in Norwood, 37-year-old resident of Dublin, was his teammate. Berlin said that Jaspers is that we all like. ”He is the captain, brilliant smile, his time is always great temperament.” According to Dublin, Jaspers football is played well, Middle School that got the league award. He enrolled in military history.Dublin recall that Robert had repeated discussions with the teacher in a class war details.Dublin said, from the American Revolutionary War to the Battle of Bunker Hill, the name of all the generals and battle all remember.
However, some people can not understand Jaspers Why participate in the Army, not to mention he is a parameter on the Ohio State University, embarked on the career path of the financial advisor of the military. His high school graduating class of about 125 students, most of them went to college, very few people to join the army. The military road is not prominent in the atmosphere of the class.
Michael Bligh, 35-year-old Vince is Jaspers friends and neighbors in Ohio. Kobe says Vince when he was two years old, Jaspers-year-old understanding of “Bobby”. Brian Evans is still living in single-family brick house across the street from Jaspers home. He and Dublin will recall, the Jaspers had to help a disabled care community. Jaspers in 2002 to join the army after the leave for boot camp the night before, he has been to call Brian Evans. Kobe says Vince, Jaspers was said to him, he enlisted the issue of their own to join the army has a real sense of pride.

