
Einstein 8 million documents outdoor led landscape lighting will open

Einstein 8 million documents outdoor led landscape lighting will open
According to the British “Daily Mail” reported on March 19, nearly 80,000 documents left by the death of the famous physicist Albert Einstein will be the researchers individually organize, interpret, and is expected to be on spread to a dedicated website for the world to browse and reference. In addition to including Einstein before his death a large number of academic note, these files will also include many of his outdoor led landscape lighting private letters, and even love letters.
To help people recognize the great
As the founder of the theory of relativity and the founder of modern physics, Einstein’s one of the research results of the “E = MC2″ to  led high bay subvert the theoretical basis of physics, has also given strong support for the mysteries of the human understanding and exploration of the universe. Therefore, the notes of his academic research manuscripts and letters have been of concern. In 1955, Einstein died before these devoted his lifelong efforts files all donated to his participation in the construction of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
According to the custody of these documents Hanuo He · professor, they are the finishing, upload all of Einstein notes, manuscripts, its purpose is to completely restore his lifelong study and explore the academic process, provide material for people to learn about and understand his train of thought. He said: “We hope that the operation of this project can make all like Einstein, focused on the study of his theory can outdoor led landscape lighting be informed of all information through a simple Internet browsing.
In addition, Ha Nuohe Professor also pointed out that the open part of Einstein’s personal letters and certificates can also help raise awareness of the great physicist of daily life, because the letter also contains a lot of little-known private content.
Female Tong Shuxin break up with somebody
“In these letters, we had a 6-year-old girl with a tender notes wrote to Einstein, Einstein photo she saw in the newspaper, so write a letter to recommend him to trim your own hair , it would appear to look better break up with somebody’s tone is very cute, “Professor Hanuo He said,” and other letters and certificates to be open, including his high school graduation certificate and wedding announcements. However, outdoor led landscape lighting some too private the letters we have not yet decided whether to open. ”
The Professor Hanuo He referred to the private letter, 24 Einstein wrote to his cousin Elsa love letters. It is reported that write these love letters the Shihai with his wife Mileva Einstein maintained a marital relationship, and have three children. Later, he divorced Mileva and married a cousin, Elsa. In addition, the documents he left behind still has a specifically described in Einstein’s book on how to resolve the contradictions and conflicts between Jews and Arabs admonition.

