
The West to promote Sino-Russian support spotlight led flashlight to put pressure on the classification

The West to promote Sino-Russian support  spotlight led flashlight to put pressure on the classification
12, the UN Security Council Ministerial Meeting held in the Arab States, uprising, the United States and European countries to step up the request of Russia and China’s accession to the UN spotlight led flashlight Security Council action to force the Syrian President to stop the deadly attacks to protest the city’s.
Council to intensify consultations on the classification issue
AFP quoted U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton after the speech said: “We hope that all countries, led high bay including Russia and China to join us, forcing Bashar regime ceasefire.”
French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe, the request directly to Russia and also called on the Security Council ordered the International Criminal Court to investigate the acts of repression in Syria.
According to the British Sky News website reported, chaired the meeting, British Foreign Secretary William Hague said Syria the current situation is “very frustrating”, and urged Russia and China not to oppose the international community to take action on Syria, the ruling authorities.
Joint special envoy of the Syrian crisis, Kofi Annan said the same day, he hopes to get Damascus to its last weekend’s visit to Syria, the recommendations of the response, and again demanded an end to the violence.
He said: “Once they answer, we know how to do it.”
Annan also said: “The killings and violence must stop.”
China and Russia reiterated its opposition to spotlight led flashlight military intervention
UN Security Council meeting on the 12th, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov reiterated Russia’s condemnation of NATO’s air raids Libya, as Russia opposed to the grounds of the Western position on Syria.
He said, “can not mislead the international community or the manipulation of the Security Council to achieve the change of the Arab world. ”There is no doubt that the Syrian authorities for the situation to bear the enormous responsibility.” But he added that the classification the government and armed groups, rather than unarmed protesters combat.
Itar-Tass quoted Lavrov as saying that the external force is gross interference will increase the threat of the proliferation of illicit arms, thereby exacerbating the risk of regional instability.
Lavrov said that Russia is willing to agree to a Security Council Resolution on Syria, but must take into account Russia and the Arab League to finalize the five propositions.
According to Agence France-Presse reported, Russia on the 13th said it urged Syria to accept international monitors able to monitor the government forces and armed rebels of the implementation of the Ceasefire.
Lavrov made this suggestion in the Security Council meeting on the 12th.
He said: “The cease-fire must be at the same time. We will not tolerate only requires the government forces withdrawal from urban and rural areas, without requiring the armed rebels to follow the  spotlight led flashlight same principles of a situation.”
China’s Permanent Joint Li Baodong of the Council on the 12th, said: “oppose any external forces, the military intervention, to promote ‘regime change’.” “The Chinese side has no selfish interests in Syria.

