
America refused to disclose the soldier where can i buy led identity of the “massacre of civilians” anti-American protests broke out

America refused to disclose the soldier where can i buy led  identity of the "massacre of civilians" anti-American protests broke out
Said, “very inappropriate” public before formal charges; the Afghan government delegation to the incident to the attack on dead and another injured
“The spirit of the United States soldiers lost control and shot dead 16 civilians were” tracking
Attack on an Afghan government delegation arrived in the U.S. military to attack a village on the 13th, an Afghan soldier was killed. The same day, hundreds of Afghan students in the eastern city of Jalal abad where can i buy led  street demonstrations to protest against the atrocities, the requirements of the public trial in the attack soldiers in Afghanistan.
A village of 12 people killed
A U.S. soldier opened fire on two villages in Kandahar province in southern Afghanistan in the early morning of the 11th killed 16 Afghan civilians and wounding five people. An Afghan government delegation arrived on the 13th suffered atrocities committed by one of the villages of Balan Di Village, but have been armed attacks. The delegation included two brothers of Afghan President Hamid Karzai and senior security officials. The witness said he saw the armed men opened fire to the delegation from the Ba Landi village several locations.
AFP quoted as saying of the Afghan Interior Ministry spokesman Siddiqui, one soldier was killed and a policeman were injured in armed attacks.
Suffered the atrocities of the two villages, Ba Landi village 12 villagers were killed, 11 of whom belong to one family, including eight children, the smallest only 2 years old.
Incident to the outbreak of anti-US demonstrations
Witnesses said about 400 demonstrators took to the streets of Jalalabad, on the 13th, shouting anti-American slogans against U.S. President Barack Obama and the U.S., requiring the public hearing of the attack soldiers in Afghanistan.
The crowds for Afghan students, holding a portrait of Obama and anti-American slogans, blocking the main road from Jalalabad to the capital, Kabul. The banner reads: “Jihad is the only U.S. aggressors out of the Afghan way.”
Last month, U.S. troops in Afghanistan burned the scriptures event caused large-scale demonstration of the Afghan people from all parts, turned violent, resulting in about 40 deaths so far.
The perpetrators had served Iraq where can i buy led 
U.S. officials have so far not publicly announced the attack soldier name and other personally identifiable details. The U.S. Defense Department spokesman, Little, on the 12th, to submit a formal prosecution, “very inappropriate” public the names of the soldiers. However, combined with some U.S. officials revealed to the media, the soldier identity in general as follows: 38 years old, married, Sergeant rank, have two children, served in the military for 11 years.
The soldier from the U.S. state of Washington Lewis – McChord Joint Base, under the U.S. Army Second Infantry Division. led high bay He trained as a sniper.
Previously, he three times to serving in Iraq. In December last year, his army first arrived in Afghanistan on February 1 this year, the deployment to base. His task is to assist a U.S. Special Forces to perform maintenance on the village stable task.
After the killings, U.S. officers said, where can i buy led   It is believed that the soldiers were nervous breakdown. A U.S. official said, the last to go to Iraq during the soldier suffered a car accident, a head injury.

