
The United States and Europe to force China to the the best led grow light WTO prosecution or cheap rare earth

The United States and Europe to force China to the the best led grow light WTO prosecution or cheap rare earth
Special correspondent of the World Wide Web the Yang cheng Xu reported that the March 13, U.S. President Barack Obama delivered a speech at the White House announced will be the World Trade Organization (WTO), a trade action against China of restricting exports of rare earths, the European Union and Japan will work together to appeal. The same day, the European Commission announced, will join the United States, Japan would limit the export of 17 kinds of raw materials, including rare earth, tungsten, molybdenum, including the WTO proceedings led high bay.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, said rare earth is a scarce non-renewable resources, the development of rare earth impact on the environment, based on considerations of protecting the environment and resources, to achieve sustainable development, the Chinese government’s rare earth extraction, production and export of all aspects of implementation of management measures, and not just in the export sector, in line with WTO rules. China’s rare earth resources of the global total of 36.4%, but bear with more than 90 percent of the global supply of rare earth. Over the years, despite tremendous pressure on the environment, China has been trying to maintain a certain amount of exports of rare earths. In the future, China will continue to supply the international market of rare earth and rare earth exports in accordance with WTO rules to implement effective management. The Chinese side hopes that the other rare earth resources and actively develop rare earth resources, and shared the responsibility of the global supply of rare earth, but also willing to look for alternative resources in the development of rare earth and improve the utilization of the best led grow light rare earth resources to strengthen cooperation with other countries.
Germany “Time” magazine reported the news, causing a strong reaction of the German readers. Related to China’s internal affairs and foreign affairs in the past, the response of the German readers if not negative the majority, or at least the front and back half, but the support, understanding and sympathy of the majority of China.
Many readers said: “Since a lot of use of rare earth will cause environmental pollution, then the best approach is to extend the product, do a good job in product recovery.” Some readers also believe that the WTO against China is “ridiculous” . The United States the best led grow light and the European Union also have rare earth resources, stopped mining because of environmental pollution. EU, U.S., Japan would not should also demand that China stop the exploitation of rare earth.
Some readers ridicule, “The U.S., EU and Japan, the ‘good guys’, if they are in the current situation (like China), will be so dry. A reader “problem where?” In the title, published somewhat ridiculed the Western countries said: “If in a hundred years ago, we can easily answer this question! Camp while several gunboats to go to China, which is not good? “Some readers think that the Western countries, the practice of logic is not working; One reader pointed out that” the European Union, Japan, the United States the best led grow light prohibits the export of high-tech products to China at the same time, but requires no restrictions export the production of high-tech products, raw materials. What is ethics? “

