
Obama has $ 300 million fund-raising rgb led downlight for the general election

Obama has $ 300 million fund-raising rgb led downlight for the general election
December 14, 2011, Barack Obama in Fort Bragg, North Carolina military bases in the army made a speech, he announced the last batch of U.S. troops in the coming days “heads held high” withdrawal from Iraq, bringing to nine years The war in Iraq officially came to an end. He is also the name of the army chief, and is about to return the U.S. soldiers continuous shouting rgb led downlight  four times: “Welcome home!”
China news agency, Washington, March 19 (Reporter Wu Qingcai) – Despite the popularity of better than four years ago, but U.S. President Barack Obama “attract Dafa” skill is still amazing, just in the month of February this year, his campaign The team had raised $ 45 million for the Obama campaign and his Democratic Party’s National Committee fund-raising topped $ 300 million.
Obama’s campaign team on the 19th through his personal Twitter, announced in February, a total of 34.8 million people in the Obama campaign and the Democratic National Committee donated $ 45 million, substantially more than $ 29.1 million in January, 10.5 million is the first donation.
Similar with the first presidential campaign in 2008, Obama attracted nearly one-sided mainly in small donations. His campaign team, said the fund-raising in February this year, 97.7% for small donations of $ 250, the average of each contribution is only about $ 59.
Since Obama announced its participation in the re-election in April 2011, 164 million donation to his campaign and the Democratic National Committee, the first two months this year, plus last year to raise $ 220 million, the total has exceeded $ 300 million rgb led downlight .
Obama raised the amount has potential Republican rivals Mitt Romney and Santo Roma behind, according to data released after the two day, Romney fund-raising total of $ 11.5 million in February of this year, Santoro Farm to the same month to raise the amount of $ 9 million.
Republican National Committee spokeswoman Kirsten Cooks cover, said Obama took office three years for the United States has left a record debt, high unemployment and soaring oil prices and health care costs, is difficult for him to convince voter himself worthy of re-election.
It is worth noting that Obama’s fundraising ability remains strong, but compared to 2008 or weakened. In February four years ago to the “dark horse” attitude to participate in and compete for the White House bit he had to raise funds of approximately $ 56 million.
Early 2008 campaign, Obama has rgb led downlight raised $ 745 million in campaign funds, and one times more than rival John McCain. The U.S. media is generally estimated in the 2012 general election, Obama will become the first fundraiser in the history of the United States exceeded $ 1 billion presidential candidate. But to achieve this goal, Obama is clearly a long way to go, It is precisely because in recent months, he has significantly increased the fund-raising “offensive”.

