
British woman severe super high flux led allergic skin on the water

British woman severe  super high flux led allergic skin on the water

Some of the girls to see a touching scene in the cinema, often can not help but she dtears. England a young woman can not do this, suffers from a rare water urticaria, her skinis a serious allergy to water, not only when the bath can not be wet for a long time, super high flux led even the tears are likely to burn the skin.
According to British “Daily Mail” website reported on March 13, patients with abnormal woman called Katie Bender, aged 27, from North Wales, Flintshire. Whenever she criestears, skin burning sensation, rash. She also had resigned from the dance teacher’s work due to illness, because the led high bay sweat can also make her skin pain.
“Sometimes I feel like prisoners in their own home, I want to cry down on the bed, but can not do this, some people say that this disease will take my life, I do not want to know their life expectancy, and I look doctors find a cure for that day, ”Katie said.
In order to take care of his wife, Katie 32-year-old husband Andy had to give up work.Katie said: ”People can not understand my condition, they face a quizzical look when I said I can not take a bath, my condition is getting worse. Bath time in the water, I can not be more than 2 minutes are Andy to help me super high flux led wash your hair. ”
Katie 16 years old, this allergy symptoms, when she removed the tonsil, the doctor suspected that postoperative use of the drug penicillin destroyed the body’s histamine levels. Histamine is one of the body can affect the allergic reaction to substances.Aquagenic urticaria can cause some patients to fatal an aphylactic shock, only 35 people in the world suffering from this rare disease, super high flux led there is no cure.

