
Japan nearly three million tons of earthquake where can i buy led bulbs garbage can not find the place

Japan nearly three million tons of earthquake where can i buy led bulbs garbage can not find the place
The Japanese government held its first work session of the earthquake waste disposal on March 13. Noda was chaired by where can i buy led bulbs the Prime Minister stressed, the government will stand united and make concerted efforts to promote disaster waste processing.
Japan earthquake a year later, the garbage disposal amount accounted for only 6% of the total, a major obstacle to post-disaster reconstruction, resulting in Noda earthquake anniversary of the March 11 meeting with reporters, said that the earthquake refuse to test the quality of Japanese nationals.
According to the statistics of the Japanese Ministry of Environment, the hardest hit Iwate, Miyagi, Fukushima three counties along the coast a total of 22.528 million tons of earthquake garbage which Iwate 4.76 million tons, 2.08 million tons, 15.69 million tons, Miyagi Prefecture, Fukushima Prefecture. According to local waste disposal capacity, Iwate Prefecture for 11 years, Miyagi Prefecture for 19 years. In addition, the Ishinomaki City in Miyagi Prefecture Earthquake garbage amounted to 6.16 million tons,where can i buy led bulbs  more than Iwate total waste disposal capacity in Ishinomaki City, you need to deal with 106 years. At present, the Japanese government established goals can not seem to be completed by March 2014 earthquake waste disposal. Japanese government decided to WAN processing approach, called on all over the country to share the waste disposal tasks.
Fukushima Prefecture Earthquake garbage due to the radiation problem will be handled in the county, other counties do not ask, Iwate want to share 10 percent of the county outside, Miyagi outside the county share of 20%, so about 3.5 million tons earthquake garbage need other areas to share processing. 44 of the three hardest hit prefectures, so far, five local governments can receive earthquake garbage, in which Tokyo has made clear that from Iwate, Miyagi, counties receive 50 million tons. Nearly 3 million tons of earthquake rubbish there is no exact place.
Japan known as the waste disposal mode Fan Taiguo actually three million tons of earthquake waste helpless, why other areas are not actively helping hand extended?Refused to accept earthquake garbage to worry about radiation. Kanagawa Prefecture can receive the earthquake garbage, but with your local government do not agree with burning garbage factory management the right to not receive earthquake garbage. Even if the above two governments have agreed to receive earthquake junk, where can i buy led bulbs but if the burning ashes buried in the local government does not agree, the receive earthquake garbage also can not achieve. Tokyo Prefecture was able to quickly determine the specific number to receive earthquake garbage, because of the three links can be finalized by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. The Noda prime minister, said March 4, for the receive earthquake garbage place, the state will give financial assistance, but the kinds of rewards, “did not appear Isao.
Noda 13 earthquake on the waste disposal work conference, said: “will actively promote earthquake garbage re-use and built to protect residents from future tsunami wave forest and evacuation with the Highlands.” The meeting confirmed that it would earthquake waste disposal Special Measures Law “form of a document, to assist in handling requests are outside the disaster area prefectures. Was also discussed as concrete blocks recycled materials for the construction of the embankment or dike program, and decided to request the cement companies to increase with the intensity of
Previously, Noda, 11, held at the residence of East Japan earthquake anniversary, told a news conference to promote the “wide-area processing, the Government will launch a series of measures including: clearly the type of waste disposal to the local government and quantity; receive benchmark incineration facilities exhaust treatment; request that the cement companies and other private companies to provide further cooperation to determine the radiation intensity. In this connection, the Japanese media interpreted this amount to the “household responsibility system”.
Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture, led high bay Council unanimously adopted a resolution on the 12th, asked the municipality to receive earthquake garbage. Kyushu region is no precedent for local governments to receive earthquake garbage, Mayor North bridge Kenji will be highly anticipated. Governor of Aichi Prefecture is clear that the concentration of radioactive cesium safety standards require the Ministry of the Environment, asked the county’s 54 municipalities are currently able to accept the earthquake rubbish.(Newspaper, Tokyo, March 13)

