
Japan developed solar led street light circuit the sixth generation fighter

Japan developed  solar led street light circuit the sixth generation fighter
In 2010, the defense ministry research ideas of the future fighter, started to take over the future of the F2 fighter fighter envisaged. Since then, the defense ministry launched the idea of ​​”i3″ fighter, in order to refine the specific concepts and new technologies.Defence Technology Forum 2011, the defense ministry has also demonstrated anti-stealth solar led street light circuit technology, and related materials and equipment of the next-generation fighter.Here, we come to understand overview of the sixth-generation stealth fighter known as the “i3″ envisaged.
“I3″ fighter technology for the successor model of the F2 and F-15 fighter. The so-called “i3″ refers to information, intelligence and agility. The idea specifically related to the following seven areas of technology:
A cloud shooting and advanced  solar led street light circuit  cockpit technology
This idea is similar to the led high bay “cloud computing”, the use of advanced data link system, one’s own fleet to form a “cloud”, by way of sharing information, as a group to launch the most efficient attack.
For example, in the combat aircraft fleet to meet the enemy, if A failed to find the near enemy machine B found that the latter may be the other case is passed to the machine A, and the ground radar and marine vessels from import data this system. This allows the fighter attack range to produce a leap in the expansion, and increase the chance of pre-emptive, to reduce ammunition consumption.
2, advanced fire control system, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles “crowd control”
“I3″ fighter also requires concerted action with other combat aircraft, for example, in front of as autonomous UAV combat missions, equipped with anti-stealth capabilities of a large radar early warning aircraft, fighter equipped with high-power chemical lasers. They are linked by multiple high-speed data link encryption. In this way, the fighter, if not equipped with a large radar, you can also access to information through unmanned aerial vehicles and early warning aircraft and attack the enemy, thereby reducing the risk of a fighter. If the UAV has its own group of control and self-judgment, can also greatly reduce the burden of fighter pilots.
3, directed energy weapons (high power laser, strong microwave weapons)
Air-to-air missiles are the main weapons of today’s air combat, but its development has reached the limit, solar led street light circuit on the one hand, it is difficult to achieve the speed of Mach 10 or more within the atmosphere, on the one hand, its shape is not conducive to fighter stealth, and is carried in the fuselage bomb bay way in turn limit the number of fighters carrying missiles.
Therefore, the ministry of defense technology research headquarters bold laser weapons and other directed energy weapons practical programs. Moreover, the laser is as self-defense weapons programs has been some progress.
4, light control system
The fourth-generation fighter fly-by-wire system can manipulate the instruction into electrical signals, control the aircraft through the cable. The Research Division has been successful use in the P-1 patrol aircraft, a light control system, will be used for the “i3″ concept. Light control system instead of the optical fiber cable in the previous fly-by-wire system. Thus eliminating the possibility of manipulation of the signal by the electromagnetic interference, and greatly reduced the weight of the control system.Therefore, the light control system completely free from electromagnetic pulse attack, which significantly increased the resistance of the sixth-generation fighter on electromagnetic pulse weapons. If the “i3″ carrying and use of electromagnetic pulse bomb. Will the loss of other aircraft and missile combat  solar led street light circuit capability. For future fighters, light control system can be described as is the ability to determine the technology of the life and death.
5, above the enemy above the stealth capability
Japan has developed civilian technology and advanced materials, you can use in the development of stealth technology. For example, transparent electromagnetic thin film materials used to manufacture LCD TV is transparent to visible light, but with the characteristics of electromagnetic waves can be interdictions, and therefore can be used to manufacture stealth fighter canopy.
In this regard. The defense ministry attached great importance to the development of metamaterials, “nature does not exist”. In the past, the stealth aircraft rely mainly on the unique contour design, radar scattering in all directions, and the coating can absorb electromagnetic materials to reduce radar reflection surface. ”Metamaterials” natural “flow through” material spread to the other direction so that radar waves through the material in a special metal or conductor arrangement, Therefore, in the shape of the design of metamaterials fighter, do not need to give more consideration to stealth capability, while fully taking into account the needs of mobility and other aspects.
6, the next generation of high-power radar
The sixth-generation fighter’s opponent is also a stealth fighter, and so must have a high-power radar in order to strengthen the Discovery of each other’s abilities. Research Division is currently on the radar of the GaN power amplifier, this material can be significantly reduced in the same power so that the volume of the radar antenna.
Another objective in this regard, the 64 sensor on the F22 and F-35 on 21 sensor integration for 8;
7, lightweight high-power engine
To break through this storm, Japan will give full play to their own good ceramics, carbon and composite materials technology, efforts to develop a lightweight high-power engine.Among them, the need to improve the high temperature high pressure capability of the engine fan and the core components, and use of ceramics and other materials to reduce weight.
The highest level of war is “no war subdue the enemy”. Although the “i3″ program itself may ultimately only stay in the program, but independent research and development of new technologies of the next-generation fighter, the surrounding countries to form an effective deterrent.

