
Hitler’s the Wolfenstein life: misogynist, white led light rely on the frog called hypnosis

Hitler's the Wolfenstein life: misogynist, white led light rely on the frog called hypnosisThis article originally contained in the Cultural History Reference 5 of 2012, the original title for the ‘nest’ and ‘hole’: Hitler throughout Europe, the headquarters of
Economic crisis, European countries are forced to reluctantly have playing the idea of ​​cultural relics. Following the Greek government’s foreign rent Acropolis, the Polish government has also publicly for rent, hope that the World War II Nazi Germany anti-aircraft fortress “Wolfenstein” developed into a tourist spot, the annual rent of $ 140,000.
“Wolfenstein” is located white led light in Las Gutenberg East Prussia, Germany during World War II, which is now Poland’s Ken piano east about 15 kilometers of jungle, an area of ​​13 hectares, now owned by the Portland Bureau of Forestry. Bureau of Forestry would like to introduce investors to help the renovation of museums, restaurants and hotels, “Wolfenstein” appears on the tourist road map. According to the local forestry department official said: “We are, etc., but so far no party expressed the intention, because the new lessee will require substantial funding, especially in the construction of an annual open exhibition the museum.”
As one of Nazi Germany, World War II, many heads of state headquarters, “Wolfenstein” is one of the best known, and Hitler in the longest time to be here in nearly four years of the Soviet-German war, he probably three-quarters of the time spent here. Hitler had expressed love here: “This is a rare one in Europe, I can be free here, Aetna to work calmly.”
“Wolf” is a pseudonym white led light when Hitler engaged in underground work
Heads of state headquarters, Hitler and a number of senior officials of the operational command of office premises, heads of state headquarters is not the only “Wolfenstein” a count when the war ended before the completion of about 20 or so, throughout the whole of Europe, west to the southwest of Paris, Wang Dome, east to the Soviet Union Smolensk, the upper reaches of the Dnieper, north of today’s Russia and Estonia at the junction of Pskov, south to the Ukraine.
In the beginning of World War II, Hitler also no permanent operational headquarters, he went to the front line often by plane or train, the 1939 blitz of Poland, he is take the train “america” ​​go to the battlefield. First fixed command post near the Belgian border, the rock nest, and put into use in the Battle of France in May 1940. The winter of this year, 8 km from the German East Prussia, a small town east of Las Gutenberg, a forest, an organization called “Tottenham” began to start to prepare the base camp for the upcoming Soviet-German War.
At 3:30 on the June 22 1941, the Soviet-German war broke out. June 24, Hitler take the train to arrive December Sternberg, he named “Wolfenstein” to the headquarters here.
Before he gave heads of state headquarters in Belgium called “Valley of the Wolves”, a female secretary Christa Schroeder asked him, why always the “wolf” at the beginning, Hitler replied, “wolf” in his 1923 ”Beer Hall riot” before engaging in underground work, “a pseudonym. Hitler’s bodyguard Rochus Misch explained more specifically: the Hitler preferences can be traced back to the 1920s, before the power. At that time, Hitler is just a city in Germany to attend the End of an important meeting, it was late, the entourage would like to find a hotel as soon as possible, so that the “leaders” to go to bed earlier.However, they run into a wall repeatedly, some bosses an excuse to say no beds, others implicitly, for political reasons, reluctant to let the National Socialist Party leaders live here. Escort one of his members suggested that, do not use the name of Hitler’s registered hotels, it was suggested to use the pseudonym of “werewolf”, the name has won the hearts and minds of the “leaders”, white led light which passed down.
Hitler and the generals debate
Soviet-German war the beginning of Wolfenstein people are very excited about Hitler’s adjutant, because in the Soviet short-term stay, self thought it would be to know your opponent, say with certainty that the battle with the attack on Poland and France, like a quick fix, the Soviet Union will be like a soap bubble burst. But surprisingly, Hitler seems to be particularly serious, he said wistfully, he prefers the Soviet Union likened to Wagner’s famous opera, ship of the famous ghost ship, then added: “Every battle began,we have opened a huge door, this door leads to a flood in the dark long room, we will never know what lies beneath. ”
In the first week of the war, the Germans with the lightning attack, and other advantages of superior weaponry and combat experienced, played very smoothly. June 27, the central army group in the Soviet Union, Minsk the Shoulong jaw, to an encirclement of the Soviet Western Army. July 9, to wipe out the encirclement of the Soviet 32 ​​million people. July 16, Guderian and Holt, two tongs occupation of Smolensk, and completed the encirclement of the Soviet between Orsha and Smolensk. August 5, Smolensk encirclement of the Soviet stopped last resistance, 310,000 captured. To the end of August, the Central Army Group completed the scheduled tasks, and move forward for 500 miles, only 250 miles away from Moscow.
From the east line of successive victories for Hitler “Wolfenstein” optimistic, a day in early August, and staff at the club to coffee, he stared at the huge wall map, gruff male The tenor said: “A few weeks later, we hit Moscow, which is no doubt that I will be tall damn city razed and then built an artificial lake where the power station water supply. Moscow this name will never disappear. ”
It is also Moscow this contempt for white led light Hitler to feel inferior to where the strategic importance of Ukraine and Leningrad. To Ukraine as soon as possible to capture the rich food, the advanced industrial Donets Basin and the economic prosperity of the Crimea Peninsula, and as soon as possible capture of Leningrad, join the Finnish army and vassal country, Hitler issued an order, the central army group only led the infantry to enter the Moscow, Holt 3 armored north to the Baltic Sea, the siege of Leningrad from the flank; Guderian’s armored south to join in the Ukraine and the Southern Army Group.
Hitler’s orders, however, was strongly opposed to the senior generals to take the lead marshal of the army chief Bolao Hitch and Army Chief of Staff Halder, they think the battle’s main aim is to destroy the armed forces of the Soviet Union, and this goal is the best way to enter Moscow. Because there is not only the Soviet capital and large industrial area, but also the largest railway and highway hub. Occupation of Moscow will greatly limit the Soviet mobility is free. This opinion was supported by the central army group commander Burke Marshal, Guderian and Holt.
Hitler and the generals have a quarrel led high bay occurred in the “Wolfenstein” and “Wolfenstein” in a multi-lake region, humid climate make Hitler a few years to the first fell ill. Bo Lao Hitch Hitler’s command discounted, the armored forces of the Central Army Group, on the one hand to advance to Moscow to prepare, on the one hand, to divide our forces support to Ukraine’s direction. As a result the Germans neither envisaged as generals destroy Moscow, did not like Hitler envisaged as soon as possible won the Ukraine, and then turn around to attack Moscow, five weeks with the best weather so quietly in meaningless debate slip.
August 23, Guderian, with Haarde, to fly back to “Wolfenstein” to Hitler eloquently interest.Guderian noted that the capture of Moscow “is a decisive victory.” But Hitler was once again talking about the economic accounts, but once again proposed to seize the Crimea ship can be used as air raid of the Romanian oil fields “aircraft carrier”. He said: “My generals are ignorant to the economic aspects of the war.” Hitler’s generals around submissive nod yes, no one to help Guderian to speak, let him feel extremely isolated. In frustration, Guderian had no choice but to accept the fact, go all out to complete Nanzheng battle to enter the Ukraine.
Although the Germans in Kiev, Ukraine to fight a victory, but missed the best time to attack Moscow. Central Army Group in October 2 to regroup the armored corps, “Typhoon” plan to launch attack on Moscow, the road becomes muddy, the weather also started cold, the Soviet Army in Moscow front to prepare the 1.5 million -200 million troops. the final block to the Germans in Moscow outside. white led light Defeat of the war so that the relationship between Hitler and the generals began to rupture, November 29, Hitler lifted the respected commander in chief of Army Group South Long Deshitaite duties.December 19, Hitler suddenly announced that it will Bolao Hitch sacked army chief, he personally served the same day he also approved the Central Army Group commander in chief of Burke’s resignation. Since then, the Commander-in-Chief of the Army Group North, Loeb, and Guderian, Huo Puna generals have also been replaced.
Hitler and his generals who are still in controversy, for example, Goering at the Nuremberg trial, if not the generals who had a passive attitude toward the south of Ukraine’s plan during Hitler’s sick, “the war of the east line of the latest in 1942 the beginning of the year has ended. “However, since the presence of” Wolfenstein “from the victory from Hitler farther and farther.

