
Mail outflow of thousands of letters spotlight led light to suspected Syrian President

Mail outflow of thousands of letters spotlight led light to suspected Syrian President

Global Network reporter Li reported that the British “Guardian” March 14 news that the3000 is said Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and spotlight led light wife Asma private e-mail recently leaked. These messages appear, how to deal with the issue against the regime of protest activities, Bashar, “in deference to Iran’s proposal”.
The report quoted the ”activists” as saying led high bay that the leaked e-mail is downloaded from the”Bashar al-Assad and his wife’s personal account”, including more than 3000 documents,they are said in June last year to February this year, the Syrian opposition members of the interception.
In the mail, Bashar brief introduction to the Holmes City  Western reporters,and called for “strengthening the security controls in the opposition-occupied areas”.Bashar has established a trusted assistant network directly through the ”private” e-mail report to him. spotlight led light He also despise their own previous message to make the commitment to reform, said it was ”political parties, elections, media junk law”. A daughter of the sheikh of Qatar this year also recommended to leave Syria, Bashar al-Assad and his wife, and hinted to Doha or to help them refuge.
The report also said that the e-mail shows that the first family in Syria the conflict worsening period of life is still “luxury”. Bashar through a third party registered U.S.address to buy Apple’s iTunes music and software applications, to avoid the U.S.sanctions against. A registered address in London, Dubai is the main channel of the Syrian government and private procurement of Bashar.
These messages also showed that Bashar al-Assad in a speech last December, including several incidents ”to accept the proposal of Iran and its agents”, including the use of  spotlight led light powerful and violent ”language, to disclose more about the military strength information and other suggestions. Bashar also accepted the views allegedly from Iran Lebanese businessman, which relates to the Damascus explosion, the ”base” organization, Hezbollah, assembly, and weapons.

