
Obama talk about solar energy motorcycle led lighting in the United States “trade war”

Obama talk about solar energy motorcycle led lighting in the United States "trade war"
China news agency, Washington, March 21 (Reporter Wu Qingcai) – The U.S. Department of Commerce preliminary ruling on the Chinese exports to the U.S. solar panels impose punitive tariffs on one day after U.S. President Barack Obama 21 “coincidence” to access the mature within the State of Delaware a solar energy company and talked about this trade remedy cases, the U.S. is to strengthen trade enforcement to motorcycle led lighting ensure that the solar company he called the countries like China do not give them an unfair advantage.
“In fact, yesterday our administrative department has ruled that Chinese solar energy enterprises to give unfair subsidies, so we have taken the first step in ensuring fair competition,” Obama said.
The development of clean energy is an important policy of the Obama administration is pushing, he has repeatedly claimed that: “do not want to see wind turbines, solar panels and high-tech batteries from other countries, workers in production by  led high bay other countries and I hope these products America’s own production. ”
At present, the United States a total of 5600 a number of solar companies, these companies the production of solar electricity is enough for 73 million U.S. household electricity. However, a considerable number of these companies are small businesses, they are facing strong competition of the United States of cheap “Chinese counterparts.
Several U.S. solar product manufacturers had to sue their Chinese counterparts unfair government subsidies in the United States to sell their products below cost. In this regard, the U.S. Commerce Department on the 20th made the preliminary ruling, declared motorcycle led lighting to the Chinese-made solar panels, plus a levy of 2.9% to 4.73% of the tariff.
On the second day of the award made in the U.S. Department of Commerce, Obama traveled to the solar energy company to inspect, and quite a move to please the United States too can companies and their workers suspected. In response, White House spokesman Carney responded that the same day a press conference only a short period of a day is difficult to assess the effect of this ruling and the market reaction.
Recently, the Obama administration frequently waving trade with China a big stick, only in China on the 20th day to make an affirmative determination of the four trade remedy cases, in addition to solar panels, but also involving Chinese exports to the U.S. chemical brighteners galvanized steel wire, silicon metal products.
Analysts believe that the 2012 U.S. presidential election approaching, the Obama administration one hand, this is in response to the Republican “policy toward China was too weak criticism, on the other hand is to please some voters, fish for votes.
In this regard, the Chinese government motorcycle led lighting  has repeatedly criticized this with trade protectionist measures, the United States to jointly safeguard the freedom, open and fair international trading environment, a more rational approach to properly handle trade frictions.

