
Raphael Sanzio print high watt led lights

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Raphael Sanzio
Raphael is a distinguished painter in Italy, and Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo said Renaissance three heroes, the youngest one is also a three heroes. Rafael die at the age of 37 years old, but because of the diligence of his creation, leaving 300 pieces of precious works of art to the world. His work public gambling house long, formed its own unique style, a representative figure of the practices’, also represents when people advocate the aesthetic taste of a model for future generations classicist unattainable. His masterpiece painting “Sistine Madonna” fresco “The School of Athens.
Raphael’s father was the court’s two painter, so his childhood with his father to study painting. The age of 11, his father died, he was an assistant to a painter. Later, he studied the works of the Florentine artists of the 15th century, and actively absorb the advantages and strengths of the factions painter. Formed its own harmonious and clear, beautiful and elegant artistic style and embarked on the original road. The mother of Raphael’s death in 1491, Raphael was only eight years old, his father remarried in August 1, 1494. Orphaned at eleven, Raphael’s formal guardian became his only uncle. A young age to follow his father to study painting, and later converted to follow Perugino’s studio to study painting in 1500 apprenticeship.
In 1504, the 21-year-old Raphael painting “Our Lady of the wedding. This works even beyond Perugino, is a composition or image building and innovation. Especially the works of the Virgin Mary Fu Yuese dignified, elegant, the balance of the screen and the background description, are rare works.
1504, Rafael residence in Florence, he is by the local Republican politics, the spirit of democracy and humanist thought, also to learn that more than · the composition of Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo human performance and style of Leo , the maturing of his style, which quickly and the two par.
His painting the portrait of the Virgin with maternal tenderness as well as young and healthy, reflecting the humanist thought. One of the most famous is the “the Anxi Emperor The Virgin,” the grass of the Virgin “and” Foligno Virgin “. 1513 -1514 mid-large canvas painting of Raphael on the Italian lira, like the triangular composition of the “Sistine Madonna” by the Virgin Mary and the saints, dignified and balanced, the Virgin Mary and Jesus the performance of the great maternal love. In addition, the chair and the Virgin and Child, “Alba Madonna” is a perfect work.
In 1509, he was the Pope Julius II (Pope Zhu) invites drawing Vatican frescoes, of which the most outstanding murals at the Office of the signature. These murals represent four of the human spirit of theology, philosophy, poetry and law, work performance and architectural decoration fully harmonious, solemn and obvious, colorful. During this period, important works include ” was expelled from the Temple” Boer satisfied that the mass of the Boer Ge fire “Niagara Thailand and Asia Triumph. His painting in the age of 23 self-portraits and the “Sistine Madonna”. The masterpiece, depicting a scholar “the Castiglione like” and depicting a girl draped scarf girl. In the spring of 1520, has been seriously ill he is still painting “Christ varactor,” failed to complete the last of his death.

