
The scientists intended to create space ul led street light maglev train

The scientists intended to create space  ul led street light maglev train
With the development of science and technology,  the desire of people to space travel is no longer so difficult to achieve, scientists have come up with all kinds of strange ways to accom plish this goal. Recently has been involved in the manufacture of magnetic levitation train scientists ul led street light proposed the construction of the manned ”space train” to achieve the connection of the Earth and near-Earth orbit, the proposal is expected to spend 20 years to complete.
According to the website of the British “Daily Mail” reported on March 12, this train called the ”Star Train” (Startram) high, and its launch system for 19 km and a length of 110 km,the train up to 32,000 kilometers per hour. It uses magnetic levitation technology is suspended led high bay in the air, driven by the momentum generated by a superconducting cable,within a few seconds will be able to train through the closed conduit launched into orbit, scientists said this project is expected to spend $ 60 billion, will industrial technology to bring about revolutionary change.
Star Train “to the existing  ul led street light magnetic suspension train technology and basic physics-based, it is expected that the construction of two kinds of cargo and manned cabin capsule delivery of goods is expected to spend $ 20 billion in 10 years to complete, after the completion of each can be transported 30 tons of payload, the price of per kilogram of payload of less than $ 40. Manned space capsule will spend $ 60 billion in 20 years finished building, a year after the completion of delivery of 400 million people visit travel into space.
R & D personnel, the train of ul led street light this space will become the next major leap forward human civilization, if life on Earth is threatened by war and disaster, it was deemed to provide as a fety net.
NASA scientists have the technology were investigated, and declared its feasibility.However, physicists have warned: Star train is best done by scientists from various countries to participate, there would be danger of an arms race among countries, so people around the world must unite to achieve. “

