
The Bashar wife due to the outdoor led spotlights crazy online shopping EU sanctions blacklist

The Bashar wife due to the  outdoor led spotlights crazy online shopping EU sanctions blacklist
World Wide Web Reporter Guo Wenjing reported that the British media exposure provided by the classification opposition rumored the Bashar couple private messages. According to the message content, Bashar al-Assad’s wife Asma preferences to spend heavily outdoor led spotlights online shopping designer goods. The EU will put her in the sanctions blacklist, including imposed a travel ban led high bay and other sanctions.
The British “Daily Telegraph” reported on March 19 said it has 114 Syrians and 38 classification the organization is included in the blacklist of EU sanctions, the European Union to freeze its assets and bank accounts in the EU member states. Today, the 36-year-old Bashar’s wife and other family members will also be added to this list of sanctions.
The EU diplomat said Asma’s decision on sanctions blacklist to be discussed in the meeting of EU foreign ministers meeting in Brussels this week, five (23). Many Bashar family members will be added to the blacklist. “Diplomatic sources said. The “Daily Telegraph”, the European Union and British officials believe that this measure will strengthen outdoor led spotlights the regime of Bashar al-Assad “constraints”.
Reported that Asma continue to retain their British citizenship, then the travel ban will not prevent access to English. But, like other officers already in the column, Asma is still very likely have been the EU’s travel ban.
The “Daily Telegraph” said that since the classification opposition announced Bashar couple of e-mail, Asma Bashar core group’s role will increasingly look at. According to the published e-mail, Asma preferences spend heavily net purchase brand-name merchandise, outdoor led spotlights including jewelry, furniture, crystal chandeliers.

