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On the morning of September 11, 2001, 19 hijackers control of four airliners. The four aircraft were to fly from Boston, Newark and Washington, DC (Washington Dulles International Airport) to San Francisco and Los Angeles on the way. Morning 8:46, American Airlines Flight No. 11 crashed into the World Trade Center North Block, followed by the Joint Aviation 175 flight rushed 9:03 am South Block. 9:37 am, another group of hijackers control of American Airlines Flight No. 77 crashed into the Pentagon. The fourth plane – United Airlines Flight 93, the ultimate goal of the U.S. Capitol or the White House, the passengers and hijackers struggle on the plane, the plane at 10:03 AM in Pennsylvania Shanks Virgin near crash.
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In hijacking the process, the hijackers use of weapons stabbed or killed pilots, flight attendants and passengers. Airplane passengers to get in touch with the outside world report said the hijackers use the knife stabbed the flight attendants, and at least one passenger was stabbed including two hijackings. There are some passengers tried to use the cabin phone and mobile phone with the outside world to get in touch, and provides some details about the hijacking. These details include: each aircraft has several hijackers; hijackers use mace or other toxic chemical sprayers, such as tear gas or pepper spray; some of the crew members were stabbed. 911, the Commission has identified two hijackers in hijacking before purchased Leatherman multi-function hand tools. A flight attendant on Flight 11, a passenger on Flight 175 and the number of passengers on Flight 93 mentioned that the hijackers had a bomb, but one of the passengers said that he thinks the bomb was fake. The impact site found no traces of the explosion, the 911 Committee believe that the bomb may indeed forged.
No. 93 in flight black box records show that, when learned on the morning of similar hijacked plane eventually crashed into a building, the crew and passengers tried to regain aircraft control over. Flight 93 recording scripts, one of the hijackers command: Once they will lose aircraft active control of the right to fly the aircraft violent shaking. Soon after, the plane crashed in a field near Shanksville in the morning 10:03:11. The organizers of the attack, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in 2002 to accept Yosri Fouda, Al Jazeera reporter in an interview that the target of Flight 93 is the U.S. Capitol, code-named “law factory”.
World Trade Center’s three buildings collapsed due to structural damage in the attack that day. Subject to United Airlines Flight 175 hit the South Tower Building 2 (WTO) burned for 56 minutes, about collapse of 9:59 in the morning. North Terminal 1 (WTO) is about 102 minutes after the burning, collapsed on the morning of 10:58 minutes. In its collapse, debris severely damaged near the World Trade Center VII Building 7 (WTO). On the 7th, the building’s structural integrity by the further erosion of the fire, and finally collapsed in 5:20 in the afternoon.
The attack caused a major disruption of the nation’s news organizations and air traffic control. Within 3 days of non-governmental international flights is prohibited to land in the United States. Flight or return flight were diverted to Canada or Mexico. Flooded with a whole day has not been confirmed and contradictory news reports in the media. The most widespread “news” is a car bomb explosion in the U.S. State Department in Washington, DC. May 4, 2006, U.S. District Court judge to make a formal verdict, sentenced to 911 terrorist attacks in the trial of al-Qaeda member Moussaoui to life imprisonment without parole. May 23, a Web site often used by the al-Qaeda announced a period of allegedly Osama bin Laden’s speech recording, his command of 19 individuals to implement the 911 attacks, but he never assigned Moussaoui to participate.

