
Why the Soviet Union set up the KGB five to suppress t8 high bay social thought

Why the Soviet Union set up the KGB five to suppress  t8 high bay social thought
KGB five and thought control of the Soviet society
The filed KGB, is no stranger to the world, know that this is a national security agencies in the Soviet Union, the Chinese transliteration of the full name of this institution in the Soviet Union “the National  t8 high bay Security Committee of the Russian acronym” КГБ. However, due to the special nature of this body and a high degree of confidentiality, in quite a long time, the deep level of the world it is still a lack of detailed and accurate understanding of, for example, the KGB relevant circumstances of the fifth inning in this paper to elaborate on fresh known led high bay.
[Why is the establishment of the KGB fifth inning]
The Soviet KGB fifth inning when established? Domestic scholars, the author is “1969″, but the author access to a lot of historical documents and found that the KGB fifth inning is not set up in 1969, but 1967. Served as deputy editor-in-chief of the Russian political weekly “new era” and “message” of Л The Mu Lieqin in the monograph “decrypt the fate of the previous KGB Chairman in his book: May 19, 1967, Andros Andropov was appointed KGB Chairman, succeed Xiemiqiasi within. A month later, the Soviet leader Yuri Andropov to the CPSU Central Committee submitted a report, report on the Soviet Union all kinds of anti-Soviet activities, that these activities are designed to establish the underground anti-Soviet bloc, fueled the nationalist movement “is Further the reactionary activities of active  t8 high bay Protestants and sectarian. In his report, warned: “Due to the impact of ideology at odds with our part of the political immaturity of the Soviet Union citizens, especially intellectuals and young people, apolitical and nihilistic tendencies, not only obvious anti-Soviet elements, as well as love of political lying and respected democracy are likely to take advantage of this, the instigation of these people to engage in harmful activities on the political. “Therefore, he recommended the establishment of the central and local focus on combating ideology subversive activities of the institutions. Was established in July 1967, the KGB the fifth inning. The first director-the former Soviet Communist Party committee secretary of Stavropol Krai, but only passed more than a year, the KGB officer in charge of personnel work, Philip Jie Nisuo Popovich. Bobu Primakov to replace him. Bobu Cove in its work for many years, later became the KGB First Vice-Chairman.
Russian historians Asia. She Weiya gold in his monograph book of the mystery of “the Soviet demise, also referred to the KGB fifth inning set up time and after: the first secretary of the Ukrainian Communist Party Central Committee, CPSU Central Committee Politburo member Xieliesite confirmed: May 18, ’1967 years, I came to Moscow to participate in the Politburo meeting … passed a resolution – to lift the duties the Comrade Xiemiqiasi within as the work be arranged. Bo Liege Kamenev was proposed recommendations: the appointment Ю.В. Comrade Andropov as the KGB Chairman. within Xiemiqiasi May 23, returned to Kiev. ‘you can say for sure, Yuri Andropov, … from the beginning there is a very clear plan of action, since he took office at the beginning of done the first thing is to rebuild the idea of ​​the notorious five. “July 17 five ‘birth date’ KGB 7 issued an order on January 25 and August 4, the appointment of Stavropol Krai Party secretary А Card Stanishev five by the Secretary, who left in December 1968. May 23, 1969 appointed Bobu Primakov as five by the Secretary. ”
Why party leaders agreed to the KGB, this time set up a solely ideological anti-spyware, anti-subversion work in the fifth inning? From Twenty Years to talk about. Khrushchev in 1956 entitled ” t8 high bay The secret report on the cult of personality and its consequences” not only in the Soviet Union, but also the entire international community led to severe shock, the shock goes far beyond prior estimates of party leaders. Especially in Stalin’s hometown – the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic, from March 5 to 10, the city of Tbilisi, Kutaisi, Sukhumi meters and other days to hold a mass rally, and led to large-scale riots. March 9, the occurrence of the Tbilisi events, resulting in dozens of rallies have been killed and hundreds of people were wounded, a large number of people were arrested, many of whom were sentenced to prison terms ranging from 1-10 years.
The event brought more shock, a considerable number of Soviet citizens of the CPSU and the Soviet Union socialist system have been questioned. For example, in a letter sent to the “Pravda”, the Moscow City kore Love wrote: “Look, what kind of party? Also claimed that the ‘communist’ party? This is not the Communist Party party, but a bunch of hypocrites and cowards! why also explain what the party and the people ‘flesh and blood ties’?! If this party is afraid to tell the truth because of fear … Once again, hypocrisy, then what’ Contact ‘at all! “Tuva state party committees to report to the CPSU Central Committee, said: learning period of Twenty Years resolutions, the” anti-Soviet elements began to rise, hostile secretly t8 high bay  scorn rampant. In early April, the mailbox of the residential buildings, found written framed and defamation of the Bureau of the Central Committee members and the party’s State Committee staff the contents of an anonymous leaflet, a leaflet, wrote: “all the writings of classical writers, from Marx, will all be burned. “the early morning of March 26, portraits of Lenin and Stalin in the Tuva honor monument was cut by some unidentified people. In many universities, party members have even suggested that should be abolished compulsory examination of the Marxist-Leninist course. These reactions and shock Khrushchev and other Soviet leaders worried and worried, so Twenty Years just open the “de-Stalinization process was quickly aborted. Some of the party organization was disbanded, some party members were expelled from the party, many intellectuals were sentenced to imprisonment. As Russian scholar grid. A Arbatov described in the book “Soviet political insider – insider witness:” By the end of 1956, everything seems back to the old track up. “

